OSU PSYCH 3313 - Chapt 8-3

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OUTLINE Principles of Muscular Contraction Neural Control of Muscles Motor Systems of the Brain Movement Disorders Disorders of Movement Toxins Interact with acetylcholine at synapses within NMJ Black widow spider venom ACh agonist Curare botulinum toxin ACh antagonist Disorders of Movement Myasthenia Gravis Person s immune system produces antibodies that bind to the nicotinic ACh receptor resulting in receptor degeneration and reduced function Extreme muscle weakness and fatigue Disorders of Movement Myasthenia Gravis Person s immune system produces antibodies that bind to the nicotinic ACh receptor resulting in receptor degeneration and reduced function Extreme muscle weakness and fatigue AChE inhibitors Disorders of Movement ALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Lou Gehrig s Disease Degeneration of the motor neurons in the spinal cord and brain stem Causes mysterious Toxins or viruses SOD 1 gene Correlation with athletic activity Disorders of Movement Parkinson s Disease Progressive difficulty in all movements especially voluntary movement Muscle tremors and frozen facial expressions Parkinson s Disease Due to degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra Substania nigra DA cells die with normal aging Whether you develop Parkinson s disease depends on how many cells you start with B vs C or whether something accelerates their death A Disorders of Movement Parkinson s Disease Causes unknown Genetics may play role in early onset but not in late onset Protein alpha synuclein interferes with axonal transport Exposure to environmental toxins Synthetic heroin with MPTP binds with monoamne oxidase in substantia nigra MPP MPP attracted to pigment in sustantia nigra neurons Head injury Disorders of Movement Parkinson s Disease Prevention Coffee drinking reduces risk Smokers less likely to develop Parkinson s disease than people who have never smoked Increased nicotine levels may enhance DA release in the substantia nigra alleviating any potential motor symptoms

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OSU PSYCH 3313 - Chapt 8-3

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