OSU PSYCH 3313 - Chapt 8-2

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OUTLINE Principles of Muscular Contraction Neural Control of Muscles Motor Systems of the Brain Voluntary Movement Humans still display reflexive behavior but even our simplest voluntary movements are governed by extremely complex motor controls Sucking reflex Palmar reflex Voluntary Movement Cerebellum Planned vs actual movement Basal ganglia Initiation of movement Cortex Decision to move motor planning The Cerebellum The cerebellum regulates the timing of movements and integrates sensory and motor function to provide smooth coordinated body movements The Cerebellum Informs motor cortex about the direction force and timing required to carry out skilled movement Intended movements are compared with actual movements and adjustments are made if necessary The Basal Ganglia Receives highly processed sensory information Relays info to motor cortex Responsible for the initiation and maintenance of movement The Motor Cortex Three main areas Premotor area PMA also called Pre SMA Supplementary motor area SMA Primary motor cortex The Motor Cortex Three main areas Premotor area PMA also called Pre SMA Supplementary motor area SMA Primary motor cortex The primary motor cortex is organized somatotopically the homunculus shows the cortical area devoted to each body part Body Part Stimulation Sites Foot 1 Arm Hand 3 Hand 4 5 Site 1 5 mA 4s E Did you feel something P Yes It felt like I wanted to move my foot Not sure how to explain E Which foot P showing the left leg This one E How did you want to move it Site 4 5 mA 4s E Did you feel something P Yes yes in my hand like I wanted to close it E Which hand P This one closing and opening the left hand Initiation of Voluntary Movement Hierarchy and cerebellum

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OSU PSYCH 3313 - Chapt 8-2

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