UA ANTH 170C1 - Biological Anthropology

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Lecture 1 ANTH 170c1 Outline of Current Lecture I Define Biological Anthropology II What is the theory of natural selection III What are the 3 necessary and sufficient conditions for natural selection IV Natural selection does act on humans V What are the 3 conditions for natural selection VI Is Natural Selection synonymous with evolution Current Lecture Title Biological Anthropology I Define Biological Anthropology A Earth has been around 4 5 billion years 1 Humans have been around for 20000 years B Biology The science of life and living organisms including their structure function growth origin evolution and distribution It includes botany and zoology and all their subdivisions C Anthropology Study of humans D Biological Anthropology The biological study of humans II Natural Selection A How did we go from having one set of things to so many 1 Theory by adaptation by natural selection 2 organism who are best able to survive and reproducing in their environment will become more numerous while those who are less able will decrease in n umber 3 Those that are good genes will pass on and those who don t will not survive 4 The environment is all changing organisms are going to adaptation 5 Reproducing is passing on genes 6 If organism don t reproduce they will die down st 1 most important reproduction III Three necessary and sufficiency conditions for natural selection A You need these for it to work 1 There is variation among individuals twin is one exemption in humans 2 The variation in inherited by offspring 3 Different variants have differing probability of survival and reproduction if there all the same if theirs no variation you never going to get any changes in traits where as throughout history we have changed B There is variation among individuals 1 Different characteristics height size facial featured behaviors IV Natural selection could be acting on humans A Natural selection nonrandom differential reproduction of individuals 1 It means inherited traits of an individual can lead to greater or lesser contribution of genetics material to the subsequent generation 2 This can lead to higher of lower prevalence of the trait in future generation nobody is selecting genes V What are the 3 conditions for natural selection A variation inheritance differential reproduction based on variation VI Is Natural Selection synonymous with evolution A NO B Natural selection nonrandom differential reproduction of individuals evolution changes in gene frequencies with in population from generation to generation C why is natural selection acting on individuals 1 different people have different traits Definitions Difference evolution is the overall process natural selection is a mechanism Carrying capacity not all individuals have access to what they want 2

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UA ANTH 170C1 - Biological Anthropology

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