UA HD 101 - hd exam 3 studyguide

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Ellys Peeples HD Exam 3 1 Chapter 8 Puberty collection of physical changes that marks the onset of adolescence including a growth spurt and the growth of breasts or testes changes in body development in sexual maturity Primary sex characteristics physical signs of maturity that are directly linked to the reproductive organs Secondary sex characteristics physical signs of maturity that are not directly linked to reproductive organs Anorexia nervosa persistent refusal to eat accompanied by an irrational fear of being overweight Bulimia nervosa disease in which people alternate between binge eating0 periods when they eat uncontrollably and purging with laxatives or self induced vomiting Read worksheet READ about Real People p 316 Estrogen is released by the ovaries Menarche is affected by nutrition Teens have too many calories and too little iron Kohlberg s Theory can stealing be justified Preconventional Level Punishment and Reward Obedience to authority Nice behavior in exchange for future favors Conventional Level Social Norms Live up to other s expectations Follow rules to maintain social order Postconventional Level Moral Codes Adhere to a social contract when it is valid Personal moral system based on abstract principles Chapter 9 Illusion of invulnerability adolescents belief that misfortunes cannot happen to them Imaginary audience adolescent s feeling that their behavior is constantly being watched by their peers Ethnic identity feeling of belonging to a specific ethnic group Ellys Peeples HD Exam 3 2 The myth of storm and stress most adolescents admire love their parents rely for advice embrace their values feel loved by their parents HIV leads to AIDS loss of immune cells cancer death Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Date acquaintance rape when someone is forced to have sexual intercourse with someone she or he knows Crystallization first phase in Super s theory of career development in which adolescents use their emerging identities to form ideas about careers Part time employment school performance suffers mental health and behavioral problems misleading affluence When jobs teach or take advantage of child s skills self esteem may be enhanced LEARNED HELPLESSNESSNative American highest rate of suicide Signs of suicide threats of suicide preoccupation w death change in eat sleep loss of interest gloom give away valued possessions Status offense act that is not a crime if committed by an adult such a truancy or running away from home Index offense acts that are illegal regardless of the perpetrator s age Chapter 10 Intimacy vs isolation sixth stage in Erikson s theory and the major psychosocial task for young adults Lifestyle Factors Smoking quitting Hearing declines in late 20 s 18 25 distinct life stage quitting is beneficial Leading contrib better health prob More than of cancer is caused by smoking Marriage determines adult status in western culture Binge drinking 5 guys 4 girls in a row within past 2 weeks BMI a ratio of body weight and height and is related to total body fat Healthy 25 People in poverty are more likely sick Ellys Peeples HD Exam 3 3 Postformal thought thinking characterized by recognizing that the correct answer varies from one situation to another that solutions should be realistic that ambiguity and contradiction are typical and that subject factors play a role in thinking highest level of thinking Fluid intelligence flexible Crystallized intelligence life experience Stereotype threat an evoked fear of being judged in accordance with a negative stereotype about a group to which you belong Social clock tagging future events with a particular time or age by which they are to be completed Personal control beliefs the degree to which you believe your performance in a situation depends on something you do Idea you have influences your behavior Hope fear health Chapter 11 Abusive relationship relationships in which one person becomes aggressive toward the partner Sternberg s three basic components of lovePassion physical desire Intimacy need to share thoughts and actions without fear of rejection Commitment willingness to stay with someone during good and bad times Extended family most common form of family around the world one in which grandparents and other relatives live with parents and children Familism the idea that that family s well being takes precedence over the concerns of individual family members

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