UA NHM 315 - Chapter 10
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NHM 315 1nd Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Chapter 7 Outline of Current Lecture II Chapter 10 Current Lecture Diet Noun Food and drink regularly provided or consumed Habitual nourishment The kind and amount of food prescribed for a person or animal for a special reason Verb To cause to eat and drink sparingly or according to prescribed rules Adjective Reduced in calories Use Positive words Nourishment Performance enhancing Nutrient Dense Immunity builder Repair Rebuild Translating practice into real life Translate numbers into actual food Help Athletes see what should be on their plate Strive for real food first Nutrient Needs Varies according to training cycle Macronutrients Micronutrients Fluid Needs These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Water Sports drinks Fruit juice milk Caffeine Alcohol Steps of Meal Planning Determine individual calories needs Determine Macronutrient needs Estimate fluid needs Meal Planning Individualizing is key of meals Timing of meals Portion sizes Beverages Focus on Fueling Focus on recovery Key concepts for meal planning for athletes Before Exercise Meal or snack should be sufficient fluid Low in fat and fiber High in Carbs Moderate in protein Include familiar foods that are well tolerated Meal Plan 3 cups of fruit 3 cups of veggies 5 cups grains 10 oz of protein 4 cups of milk Fats Education can start at recruitment Recruit meals Nutrition department and training table tour Q A with athlete and parents Provide packets Training Tables Discuss new food options and improvements for meals Training table education Sports and performance Nutrition education Athletes Group nutrition classes Locker talk Individual Nutrition Counseling Individual nutrition counseling for athletes Weight loss gain Eating for better sports performance Hydration education and schedule Supplement education distribution and schedule Eating disorders Other medical nutrition therapy as needed Education during away Games Plan team meals when traveling Provide education handouts with 4 6 Provide snack packs when traveling

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UA NHM 315 - Chapter 10

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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