UB PSY 101 - Section 2 Lecture Notes

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Lecture Notes Gabriel Psych101 Section 2 Page 1 LECTURE NOTES FOR SECTION 2 OF CLASS BEGIN HERE Consciousness Our Ongoing Awareness of Our Thoughts and Feelings Conscious versus Unconscious Tasks Difference require conscious attention or not Exp learning to drive a car Can do many unconscious as long as they don t interfere More than one conscious is hard Stroop task Why does stroop effect happen Activation of the names of words happens unconsciously and automatically without intent Conflict between two different things which are activated Unconscious processes are out of our awareness Thus there are things going on in our heads that we don t know are there Freud Conscious in the spotlight of awareness Preconscious can be easily brought into awareness Unconscious banned from awareness Suppressed Subliminal Priming Activating thoughts or feelings without conscious awareness Bargh Old people study Aggression study Painting preference study Function of Subliminal Mind Our brains have more to do than CNS mind can handle Subliminal mind picks up slack Subliminal mind as pattern detector Learn card game study Lecture Notes Gabriel Psych101 Poster preference study Altered States of Consciousness Sleeping Dreams Hypnosis Meditation Drugs and Alcohol Falling Asleep Thoughts become hazy React less to external stimuli Muscles relax Body temp heart rate and blood pressure slowly drop Level of serotonin in brain increases Sleep stages and brain waves Awake Low voltage high frequency beta waves Drowsy Alpha waves prominent Stage 1 Sleep Theta waves prominent Stage 2 Sleep Sleep spindles and mixed EEG activity Slow wave sleep stage 3 and stage 4 sleep Progressively more delta waves stage 4 shown REM sleep Low voltage high frequency waves Stage One Hypongenic sleep Feel a gentle falling or floating 5 10 minutes Won t think you were asleep if awoken Stage Two Minor noises won t wake you but still relatively easy to awaken 20 minutes Section 2 Page 2 Lecture Notes Gabriel Psych101 Stages Three and Four Breathing and pulse have slowed Hard to awaken Deep Sleep Slow wave sleep Stage 5 Section 2 Page 3 REM rapid eye movement sleep Increase in heart rate blood pressure oxygen consumption similar to waking state Heightened cerebral activity Muscle paralysis Dreaming 20 40 minutes in early night up to an hour later REM sleep throughout the life span Normal sleep cycle Awake stage 1 2 3 4 3 2 REM REM first occurs 90 minutes after falling asleep Naps best if get a full cylcle Normal Sleep Cycle Why do we Sleep Restoration function Adaptive Process Facilitating learning Restoration Function Recover from work done when animal was awake More exercise more SWS Tired if deprived of SWS No REM anxious and irritable REM rebound Psychosis long term deprivation Lecture Notes Gabriel Psych101 Sleep as Adaptive Save energy at night when can t get food Not sleeping a lot if hunted Sleeping disorders Sleep apnea Narcolepsy REM behavior disorder Dreams What Do We Dream About 64 of dreams associated with sadness fear or anger Aggressive acts outnumbered friendly acts by 2 1 18 of dreams were happy or exciting 29 of dreams were in color What Do We Dream About Being naked when others are not or in an unusual place Falling Loose or falling teeth Taking an exam being unprepared Being chased being unable to move quickly Flying Lucid Dreams realize we are dreaming Why do we dream Freud s Interpretation of Dreams Freud believed that dreams expressed wishes often disguised Manifest Content Conscious dream content that is remembered after awakening Section 2 Page 4 Lecture Notes Gabriel Psych101 Latent Content The unconscious uncensored meaning of a dream Believed that symbols in dreams are universal Dreams are the key to the unconscious Wrote book on interpretation of dreams Section 2 Page 5 Activation synthesis hypothesis During REM sleep there are random bursts of nerve cell activity Dreams are the way the mind makes sense of those bursts Tells a story Explains why dreams can seem so random Epiphenomenal Memory Theory Right Brain encodes the days memories during REM sleep Links memories to old ones Reestablishes neural pathways Left brain language center tries to make sense of what right brain doing Tells stories Stories are dreams Karni s experiment Participants learned a new skill 1 3 let sleep a full night 1 3 interrupted REM sleep 1 3 interrupted SWS Tested for new skill in morning Consciousness Altering Drugs Drugs and Dependence Psychoactive Drug A chemical that alters perceptions thoughts moods or behaviors Physical Dependence A physiological addiction in which more of drug is needed to prevent symptoms of withdrawal Psychological Dependence A condition in which drugs are needed to maintain a sense of well being or relief from negative emotions Classifying drugs Depressants slow down activity in the CNS Stimulants speed up activity in the CNS Psychedelic drugs disrupt normal thought processes Narcotics relieve pain and cause euphoria Lecture Notes Gabriel Psych101 Depressants Slow down the Central Nervous System CNS alcohol barbiturates tranquilizers sedatives How Depressants Work Barbiturates sedatives Alcohol Effect Death Unconsciousness Loss of motor control Clouded judgement Reduced motor skills Reduced inhibitions Long term alcohol effects Damage to the liver Damage to the brain Fetal damage Stimulants Speed up the CNS amphetamines cocaine nicotine caffeine Section 2 Page 6 Lecture Notes Gabriel Psych101 How Stimulants Work Cocaine amphetamines Cocaine Low dosage effects intense short term euphoria Can be rebound High dosage effects paranoia irregular heartbeat death Highly addictive Nasal membrane damage possible with long term use Hallucinogens Include LSD PCP mescaline marijuana Cause sensory distortions hallucinations Effects of Hallucinogens on the Brain All have different effects LSD and psilocybin Molecules that mimic serotonin Causes marked visual hallucinations sensory distortions Induces powerful emotional feelings Negative hallucinations and emotions possible Flashbacks fact or fiction Ecstasy MDMA Causes the release of serotonin and blocks the reuptake Effects dopamine system as well Causes euphoria Deaths linked to impure drug Possible long term harm to serotonin and dopamine systems Marijuana THC Relieves anxiety inhibitions Can fine tune perception Can cause paranoid thoughts Increases appetite Reduces memory performance and motivation Takes weeks to metabolize No deaths not physically addicting

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