KIN 122 Assignment 1 Part 2 NAME Katherine Lively UIN 653406542 1 What is the physical activity related behavior change you are working on this semester Please use the FITT principle in describing your goal in detail a Frequency 4 6 days week b Intensity 60 100 I RM 10 15 reps 2 3 reps c Time depends on sets reps d Type 10 12 full body exercises 2 Please identify the stage of change you in right now and why you would be categorized as in that stage of change Right now I am moderately lifting and I want to pump it up and gain more muscular strength I am categorized at moderate because I only life 2 3 days a week and I usually do a lot of the same stuff so putting in more time and weight will help me gain a lot more muscular strength 3 What is your outcome expectation for this behavior change I hope to be gaining more muscle and seeing a change in about a month I want to be able to lift at least 10 pounds more every other week 4 What are your current barriers Please identify at least three barriers For each barrier a List which category of barrier it falls into b List two things you can do to overcome that barrier Note Please use the chart below to submit the answer to 4 Barrier 1 Barrier 2 Barrier 3 Identify Barrier Don t have enough time Always tired Don t enjoy exercising Barrier Category Personal Personal Personal Go to bed at a decent time so I m not tired and will be motivated to get up and move Try and incorporate more physical activity in my day so I can be more energized Do exercises that I enjoy doing 1st way to overcome barrier 2nd way to overcome barrier Make time to work out during breaks in homework Try to schedule my weekly plans so I can fit in time to exercise Try new exercises that I have not don t before 5 What is a short term goal that you plan to achieve before Assignment 2 is due This shortterm goal should be related to helping you work towards reaching your semester long physical activity related behavior change a Frequency Lift 3 days per week to gain muscular strength b Intensity 60 I RM 8 10 reps 2 3 sets c Time depends on sets and reps d Type 8 new full body exercises every time I visit gym
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