UIUC LING 111 - Ling Week 1

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Ling 111 Giddens and Beck Discussion Questions 1 What does globalization mean to the skeptics cf Giddens 2000 Why Globalization does not mean much to the skeptics They believe that globalization has been around for centuries and is nothing new Trade is mostly regional Most countries gain little economic benefit from world wide trade 2 What does globalization mean to the radicals cf Giddens 2000 Why Radicals believe that globalization is not only very real but that its consequences can be felt everywhere As an example the global market is much more developed than 60s and 70s and is indifferent to national borders Nations have lost sovereignty 3 According to Beck 2000 Globality means new relations of power and competition conflict and intersection take shape between on the one hand national states and actors and on the other hand transnational actors identities social spaces situations and processes p 21 Can you think of examples of the relations of power competition and conflict in the context of globalization Power countries trying to deter each other from developing using nuclear weapon Competition countries trying to gain more dominance over export Conflict world wide concern such as ISIS terrorism 4 What do you think is the significance of A cha being selected as the best song of the year 1997 in France Artist from Algerian background makes a song that becomes the best song of the year in France This indicates the acceptance of North Africans in France 5 We live in a world of transformations What does this statement mean We live in a world of transformations culturally economically and politically The way people live and world functions is shifting at a fast pace First incident of informational globalization was when Boris Yeltsin gave a speech via CNN satellite Common concern toward the environment Toxins found in penguins is an example Ecological globalization to measure and criticize what all social players do everywhere in the world in every domain from architecture transport consumption through production municipal politics etc Economic globalization Globalized labor cooperation or production jobs can now be exported and employees can cooperate across countries Music cultures spreading is an example of cultural globalization Dimensions of globalization communications technology ecology economics work organization culture and civil society First modernity the idea that we live and act in the self enclosed spaces of national states and their respective national societies Electronic money has greatly contributed to the world economy Morse code was a huge contribution to globalization Satellite technology replaced Morse code Globalization also creates new economic and cultural zones within and across nations Reverse colonization means that non Western countries influence developments in the West Globalization pulls upwards taking power from small local level Downwards reason for resurgence in local identities language and cultural practices Globalization and the collapse of the Eastern Soviet Bloc Globalization and the Arab Spring

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UIUC LING 111 - Ling Week 1

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