3 28 Music and the Human Experience with Professor Kattari Music for Dance Dance for entertainment expression Social dance Representation of identity Ritual occasions Exercise Nationalism in the Romantic Era Revolutions in the 1830s and 1840s 1 Folktales myths legends fuel programmatic material 2 Vocal music in vernacular often w folk melodies 3 Instrumental music based on folk dances a Chopin s mazurkas and polonaises b Viennese waltzes c French and Russian ballets d Liszt s Hungarian Raphsodies e Dvorak s Slavonic Dances Dance in 19th century Increased popularity due to IR o Working class people into cities o Had more time and more money o Improved transportation and lighting for going out Social dancing ballrooms and dance halls Professional dance in theater shows or ballet Dancein inspired music for concerts and amateur pianists Waltz Ballet Based on rural German peasant dance o Waltzen to roll or turn in German Triple meter with downbeat o Bad reputation Popularized in Vienna by the Strauss family o Johann Younger Waltz King o Emperor Waltz Blue Danube Waltz King Composed for home use balls dance halls and listening Origins in France o Second home in Russia Ballet little dance Started off in opera breaks Classical traditional ballet Romantic Era started La sylphide 1830 o En pointe o Female ballerinas o Ballet as independent form o Virtuosity for expressiveness Pyotr Tchaikovsky Russian Life marked by crises and depression Had a wealthy patroness for 13 years Sudden death at 53 Tone poems o Romeo and Julet Famous love theme Ballets in St Petersburg o Swan Lake 1876 Russian folk tale o Nutcracker 1892 E T A Hoffmann o Sleeping Beauty 1889 Perrault Grimm brothers fairy tale
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