UO J 350 - Lecture Slide Notes 1

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Lecture Slide Notes Monday December 7 2015 4 07 PM Definitions of public relations Traditional Public relations is management of communication between an organization and its publics Commonly used Public relations is the use of communication to negotiate relationships among groups Commonly used Public relations is a communication function of management through which organizations adapt to alter or maintain their environment for the purpose of achieving organization goals How public relations is different from Journalism Journalists gather and produce information for the public They usually write for one channel sometimes two channels attempt to be objective and write for a mass audience They write the news stories and editorials we provide background information they need News values Local proximity Timeliness Urgency Prominence people or an organization Cultural proximity Human interest Unexpected odd Consequence Conflict controversy Marketing Marketing seeks to attract and satisfy customers of an organization It deals with goods and services Marketing contributes directly to the bottom line Public relations builds relationships with publics It can support marketing but we do not use marketing measures to evaluate our success Advertising Advertising is controlled communication You pay for it and therefore you control the content and outcome of the message Public relations usually uses uncontrolled communication When we marketing but we do not use marketing measures to evaluate our success Advertising Advertising is controlled communication You pay for it and therefore you control the content and outcome of the message Public relations usually uses uncontrolled communication When we need to get messages into controlled media we buy ads

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UO J 350 - Lecture Slide Notes 1

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