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J350 Final Exam Study Guide Makenna Johnson Chapter 1 Lectures What is PR Key Topics a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial Defining PR o PR relationships between organizations and their publics It is hard to define because many things funnel into PR and each are a part of it Examples Special Events Research Strategic Planning Media Relations Development Fundraising o o PR involves Digital Strategy Media Word of Mouth Research Partnerships Crisis Management Events Branding CSR etc Stereotypes o The Party Planner o Lobbyist Sleaze Ball o Press Secretary o Chapter 3 Lectures History of PR Key Topics Image Consultant showing why client has a negative image and how can change it Important figures their contributions to modern PR o Samuel Adams the cause in order to get publicity Boston Massacre twist and emphasis to rally emotion and Used symbols liberty tree which are easily identifiable and link w emotion o PT Barnum o Amos Kendall Master of Press Agentry Any publicity is good publicity doing 1st Press Secretary served communication roll between Administration and the Public anything for media attention was a freak show circus guy Ivy Ledbetter Worked with George Parker and formed nation s 3rd publicity agency Handled Anthracite Mines and convinced the owner to open up about the organization which set up a principle on how to communicate in PR 1st to specialize in PR credited for 1st Press Release Lee o Created principles philosophy If a company had something that they couldn t talk about they shouldn t do it 1 policy tell the truth A business industry should align with the public interest Carrying out programs only with active support of Maintaining open communication with the media Humanize the business and use PR to bring it down to the management community level o Edward Bernays Freud s Nephew believed that audiences could be persuaded if messages supported their values and interests called himself a PR representative Influential for modern course of campaign Sigmund Famous campaigns Freedom Torches women smoking in public Light s Golden Jubilee Bacon Campaign where docs endorsed a healthy breakfast but never mentioned that bacon was the way to achieve it Campaigns were very manipulative with use of 3rd party Authoritative Endorsement doctors agree Irrelevant objects could be linked with emotion and become super icons wife of Bernays PR exec and feminist activist created Member of the Lucy Stone League encouraged women to keep their maiden names 1st married woman to be issued a U S passport in her maiden name Vice Prez at AT T 1st to say insisted on PR as a management o Doris Fleischman campaigns with Bernays o Arthur Page function 6 Principles of PR Tell Truth Prove with Action align what you are saying with what you are doing Listen to customer Manage for Tomorrow figure out what s coming Conduct PR as if whole company depends on it Remain Calm Patient and Good Humored o Harold Burnson 1953 Founded Burson Marstellar top 5 around the world Key Policies to Success Hiring a cadre of dedicated employees who worked for the firm for many years Developing a family atmosphere with his team Creating a corporate culture proactively Posting as the firm leader Milestones o Rossetta Stone same thing written in 3 languages o Boston Tea Party Taxation without Representation boycott of British Tea in colonies staged public event that created a splash to get attention o Four Models of PR 1980 90 s Press Agentry one way communication focused on hype Public Information one way Organization to Stakeholder intent to inform or govern people PIO Public Information Officer Community Relations Manager Two way Asymmetrical creating campaigns from research getting info in and creating better campaigns out Two way Symmetrical mutual understanding win win situation with 2 groups Supplemental PR Theory Reading Theory chapter on Blackboard Lectures PR Theory 1 2 Key Topics System Theory other Organizations and their Environments are interdependent can t exist without each open to adjusting and compromise based on components of the Open environment change Used PR to get feedback on their relationships with other actors in the system 2 Way Communication Model o Closed reliant on the status quo and on the feedback no change Don t seek any information they depend on history or the preference of decision makers o Stakeholders o groups in the system impacted by decisions Boundary Spanners the organization and the stakeholders employees vs managers understands and communicates messages between o Example Ford Moto Company PR including social media manager would be responsible for spanning the boundary between the organization and the various stakeholders Situational Theory o o o Active vs Passive audiences shift based on issue want information and engaged in an issue Active Passive less interested or not know the issue Three Variables o Problem Recognition helping audience understand the issue Matt Knight traffic venue fans recruits tuition may understand but don t have time to pay o Constraint Recognition attention doesn t effect them Works to reduce the constraint o Level of Involvement want people to be actively engaged or want people to do nothing Publics with high problem recognition low constraint recognition and high involvement are more likely to actively engage in communication Example Don t Mess With Texas targeting litterers from passive to active o Social Exchange Theory Costs Benefits Individuals and groups choose strategies based on perceived rewards and costs In general people want to keep their costs low and their rewards high Example during recruitment week fraternities and sororities emphasize the benefits of joining while minimizing the costs friendship approval etc Elaboration Likelihood Model Ideas can be changes on a continuum from low elaboration low thought to high elaboration high thought o o o o o Peripheral Route requires very little process or analysis help you understand why this is a good decision Perceived credibility from a source Quality of presentation Attractiveness of source Catchy song o Central Route understanding components to a decision more information actively engaged with details Detailed descriptions of conditions Simple slogan Example NBC s More You Know Campaign used repetition and credible spokespeople to encourage attitude and behavior changes Agenda Setting A positive relationship between what the media reports as key issues and what the

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