Lecture Notes Tuesday December 8 2015 6 05 AM Differences between competition and conflict Competition is striving for the same object position resources prize as others Conflict usually involves confrontations between organizations and various stakeholders A situation in which two or more individuals groups organizations or communities perceive a divergence of interests based on goals values and desires The threat appraisal model Monitor the external communication environment Identify the threats to the organization and demands the threat makes on the organization Determining a stance for the organization Knowledge Time Finances Management commitment to address the threat Determine the stance the organization will take toward each public or stakeholder involved in the conflict situation Stance determines strategy what will be done and why The stance driven approach is based on informal approach to managing conflict and competition The contingency model Many factors determine the stance or position of an organization when it comes to dealing with conflict and perceived threats The public relations stance for dealing with a particular audience or public can change as events unfold The public relations approach is contingent on the many factors that professionals must take into account when assessing a threat Five external variables External threats Industry specific environment General political social environment External public characteristics The issue under consideration Five external variables External threats Industry specific environment General political social environment External public characteristics The issue under consideration Six internal variables General corporate organizational characteristics Characteristics of the public relations department Top management characteristics Personality characteristics of internal involved persons Relationship characteristics
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