UA PSIO 201 - Patrick-Case-Study

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Your Turn Case Study Meet Patrick at 2 Patient History At 16 his hands began twitching uncontrollably Five months later he fell down the steps of his home and could not get up He was pulled into the ER Diagnosed with a demyelinating disease neurological disease where the neuron coating breaks down and paralysis Treated with anti inflammatory drugs and antibodies to no avail Prediction What could be a cause to Patrick s paralysis Discuss why A Lack of Energy B Muscle Impairment C Neurological Disorder D Any of the above Your Turn Case Study Continued Discuss What is the fundamental unit of energy in the body What is the Law of Conservation of Energy Where does this fundamental unit of energy come from ATP and Energy Adenosine triphosphate ATP Is the energy form stored in cells Is obtained from the oxidation of food Consists of adenine nitrogen base a ribose sugar and three phosphate groups ATP Synthesis and Hydrolysis ATP is an energy transporter because its production from ADP requires an input of energy that is then released wherever the reverse reaction occurs ATP H2O ADP Pi G 7 3 kcal mol ADP Pi ATP H2O G 7 3 kcal mol ATP is Used for Energy Transfer Removal of one phosphate group from ATP by hydrolysis produces adenosine diphosphate ADP The reaction is exothermic it releases energy 7 3 kcal mol This bond is easy to break and requires energy Adenosine triphosphate ATP H2O Hydrolysis of ATP Formation of these new bonds releases energy H Inorganic phosphate Pi H Adenosine diphosphate ADP 7 Muscular and Nervous System w ATP ATP required for muscular contractions ATP required for nerve interactions Your Turn Case Study Continued Discuss Why are Neurons considered to be in G0 What are the steps of interphase and the details within each stage Draw the steps of mitosis if you had 1 pair of homologous chromosomes The Cell Cycle Mitosis Question What would happen if Patrick lacked ATP A Muscles would spasm uncontrollably giving you a cramp B Nervous system would be unable to send signals C Muscles would be unable to contract and eventually wither away D B and C E All the above Question What would happen if Patrick lacked ATP A Muscles would spasm uncontrollably giving you a cramp B Nervous system would be unable to send signals C Muscles would be unable to contract and eventually wither away D B and C E All the above Your Turn Case Study Continued Discuss Where is ATP generated from What are biological catalysts called How do these biological catalysts play a role in ATP generation Enzymes Enzymes are proteins that serve as biological catalysts for reactions in all living organisms They increase the rate of a reaction 106 to 1012 times faster but are unchanged themselves Enzymes are very specific each enzyme catalyzes a certain reaction or type of reaction only The names of most enzymes end with the suffix ase like peptidase lipase and hydrolase A cofactor is a metal ion or an organic molecule needed for an enzyme catalyzed reaction to occur Enzymes are Biological Catalysts As catalysts enzymes increase the rate of reaction by lowering the energy of activation They change the pathway of a reaction The enzyme is not consumed in the reaction Enzyme Catalyzed Reaction In an enzymecatalyzed reaction a substrate attaches to the active site an enzyme substrate ES complex forms reaction occurs and products are released an enzyme E is used over and over E S ES E P Question Enzymes are required by all living things because enzymes A Raise the free energy of chemical reactions B Properly orient reactants and lower activation energies C Increase the temperature of reacting molecules D Increase the number of reacting molecules E None of the above Question Enzymes are required by all living things because enzymes A Raise the free energy of chemical reactions B Properly orient reactants and lower activation energies C Increase the temperature of reacting molecules D Increase the number of reacting molecules E None of the above Question Since increasing the temperature increase the reaction rate why can t this method be used to accelerate enzyme catalyzed reactions A Raising the temperature causes the reaction to occur too quickly B Raising the temperature does not sufficiently lower the activation energy barrier C Heat changes the shape of the protein D Heat does not increase the probability of molecular collisions Question Since increasing the temperature increase the reaction rate why can t this method be used to accelerate enzyme catalyzed reactions A Raising the temperature causes the reaction to occur too quickly B Raising the temperature does not sufficiently lower the activation energy barrier C Heat changes the shape of the protein D Heat does not increase the probability of molecular collisions Enzyme Regulation and Control Any process that starts or increases the action of an enzyme is an activation Any process that slows or stops the action of an enzyme is an inhibition Enzyme activation and inhibition are central to regulating numerous cellular and physiological processes Enzyme inhibition is also used a strategy to treat disease as many drug targets are enzymes Allosteric Control of Enzyme Activity Allosteric control is the binding of a regulator to a site on an enzyme that affects the enzyme s ability to bind a substrate at its active site An allosteric enzyme is an enzyme in a reaction sequence that binds a regulatory molecule Regulators can slow the reaction negative or enhance the rate of reaction positive Your Turn Case Study Continued Discuss Through what process are enzymes proteins formed Draw and detail the steps involved with these processes What does it mean when the genetic code is redundant yet unambiguous Transcription Translation Genetic Code Your Turn Case Study Continued Discuss What type of mutations are there Demonstrate how they would have affected the sequence in the previous example How could have this related to Patrick Your Turn Case Study Continued Discuss How are metabolic pathways regulated Draw and detail the steps of cellular respiration with and without oxygen Process Glycolysis Pyruvate Processing Kreb Cycle Fermentation Location Inputs Outputs Process Location Inputs Outputs Glycolysis Cytoplasm Pyruvate Processing Mitochondrial matrix Pyruvate 2 NAD 2 CoA 2 Acetyl CoA 2 NADH 2 CO2 Kreb Cycle Mitochondrial matrix 2 Acetyl CoA 6 NAD 2 FAD 6 NADH 2 FADH2 2 GTP ATP 4 CO2 Fermentation Cytoplasm 2 Pyruvate 2 NADH 2 ethanol lactate 2 NAD 1 Glucose 2 ATPs 4 ATP

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