Final Exam Review Which of the following describes an undesirable gene associated with the Pietrain breed Stress Which is a Bos Indicus influences breed Santa Gertrudis As a producer you select a specific breed based upon Environmental factors breed characteristics marketing standards All of the Above Which dairy breed has the highest butter fat Jersey Which of the following is considered a maternal breed of pig Yorkshire Holstein Friesian is the most popular dairy breed in the world A dark cutter is an animal with dark colored meat due to stress prior to slaughter Birth weight is highly heritable Sire breeds are characterized by heavy muscled lean fast growing Immunoglobins IgG are present in colostrum and are only viable to the young if consumed within the first 12 18 hours part parturition Which of the following relies most on the use of A I Turkeys I am a dairy goat noted for my high butterfat content drooping ears and a Roman nose Who am I Nubian Which is not a hazard from a HACCP standpoint Dark cutters Bacteriological contaminants and bird shot are Which of the following can be registered as black in color Angus Which statement is incorrect A steer has a 21 day estrous cycle Chester White has dressing percentage of 70 Hampshire can be pig sheep cow calf operations convert low quality forage into high quality product Walking Tall is a Suffolk ram known to be the carrier for the spider gene Stocker calves are fed roughage diets for 120 150 days prior to harvest The Dairy Herd Improvement Association DHIA improved dairy cattle genetics through detailed record keeping The Clydesdale is a draft breed of horse known for the feathering on its legs Marketing has an effect on how a product is produced and sold Pork is a red meat Dressing percentage for swine is 70 beef 60 and lamb is 50 Roosters do not have to be present for hens to lay eggs The four primal or major cuts of a steer re the round chuck loin and ribs The higher the quality grade of a steak the more likely it is you will have a better eating experience If a beef carcass grades B maturity or higher it can grade choice A yield grade is the amount of boneless closely trimmed retail cuts Which is a biological process used to tenderize meat Dry aged Which muscle type would be the most tender Support long sarcomere Select the correct statement for dressing percent Increasing fat will increase dressing percent What happens as an animal ages Meat gets darker and the ossification of bones Which of the following would not receive a higher premium on grid based system Yield grade 5 cattle healthy cattle black hided cattle cattle grading low choice Which of the following is false Meat from lambs is considered mutton prior to ossification of the break joint pigs yield higher carcass than cattle because they re monogastrics age is a factor in determining quality of carcass lamb with adj fat thickness of 0 35 would have yield grade 3 Which two industries are vertically integrated Poultry and swine Which is paired correctly Okie has no Brahman influence EPDS allow producers to compare performance of breeding individuals within breeds Categories which are important to producers include birth weight weaning weight maternal milk and scrotal circumference In cattle freemartins are sterile Passive immunity is gained by offspring through colostrum intake where they receive immunoglobins from their parent Accuracy is the value a producer looks at to see how old a bull is and how much the producer can trust the value Reproductive traits are not very heritable because the environment plays a major role in reproduction Vitamin K is needed for blood clotting and given to dogs that consumed rat poison Producers look for the lowest BW value EPD stands for Expected Progeny Difference Obesity is the number 1 problem in pets The environment has an influence on animal performance Sire Birth Weight Weaning Weight Yearling Weight Scrotal Circ EPD ACC EPD ACC EPD ACC EPD ACC A 4 2 0 50 49 54 61 53 42 45 B 9 80 38 78 50 82 02 45 C 8 20 13 25 21 20 35 25 D 1 0 90 25 9 32 85 10 57 Which bull would you want to breed to 1st calf heifers Bull C Heifers sired by which bull should reach puberty first Bull A Offspring sired by which bull will be the most profitable to feedlots when sent to slaughter Bull A Which bull would you think is the youngest Bull C Deamination reaction occurs in the rumen The reticulum is the first glandular 1st part that secretes enzymes portion of a ruminant s digestive tract 3rd part of the stomach Founder in horses causes the coffin bone to rotate Brown adipose tissue generates heat Horses are considered modified monogastrics because they contain a functional cecum The rumen does not secrete any enzymes Hormone Progesterone Estrogen Prostoglandin Produced by corpus luteum graffion follicle uterus What it acts on corpus luteum Function maintain pregnancy estrus behavior F2alpha GnRH FSH hypothalamus anterior pituitary LH anterior pituitary Testosterone Produced by testis OR leydig cells Interferon Tau anterior pituitary ovary female recruits follicles female induces ovulation Pregnancy signal from embryo A BSE Breeding Soundness Exam is done to ensure males are in good health and fertile prior to breeding season A producer can harvest viable sperm cells from the tail of the epididymis A mare has an ovulation fossa where all eggs are released The pineal gland produces melatonin In sows ovulation occurs after breeding bcs of cork screwed shaped tube egg takes longer to travel so it needs time for fertilization Thermoregulation is important to keep the testes 3 5 degrees below body temperature A unilateral chryptorchid can still impregnate females Which of following is seasonal breeder Swine sheep deer All of the above The hormone responsible for the fight or flight response is Epinephrine If progesterone is high in the system what structure is present Corpus luteum and fetus Two of the above Which of following is paired correctly Ewe 17 day estrous cycle As a producer you would use which of the following hormones to synchronize your females Progesterone Which of the following is False about horses They are known for having triplets only ovulate from one location on the ovary the ovulation fossa don t have sigmoid flexure estrus cycle can range btwn 4 and 9 days When progesterone declines in the system which hormone increases Estrogen FSH LH All of the above The Leydig cells produce testosterone Which of the following is Not a volatile
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