SELU GBIO 153H - Final Exam Study Guide

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GBIO 153 H 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lecture Darwin DARWIN Medical school at 16 Started out to be a physician but decided that he didn t like medicine Christ college studied theology and geology Grant stole Darwin s work and published it Steven Henslow preacher friend and beetle collector Captain Fitzroy captain of HMS Beagle Scientific expedition ship needs a naturalist Find food and water resources Wanted Darwin to prove biblical creation and fixity Darwin got lucky went on the trip on the HMS beagle Meets Fitzroy he doesn t like Darwin because he had a round nose commoner round nose Sailed the day after Christmas in 1831 1836 5 yr journey Cross the Atlantic to Brazil Uruguay found fossils sloths Lyell Principals of Geology book taught him that the earth was ever changing Galapagos Islands Enchanting islands Tortoise rode them Iguana land and marine Mockingbirds 3 types Finches Arguments with Fitzroy creation Darwin gets sick Assumption Chaga s Disease bitten by the kissing bug Returns back to England in 1836 as a hero but sickly Darwin and Emma Wichwood cousins both rich marries each other 7 kids live to adulthood Moves to the country Kent Down House England The Big Book Hidden under the stairway Wrote over 25000 letters to people around the world Darwin establishes the correct treatment of animals Darwin the family man Favorite daughter Annie Annie got really sick and passed away Darwin why would the love of god take away a beautiful child like Annie The loss of Annie broke Darwin s heart After the return from Galapagos Islands He got really sick Gets a letter from A R Wallas Wallas is a naturalist Every sentence seemed a fitting heading for the Big Book We don t give Wallas enough credit Darwin and Wallas Publish the letter together Nothing important happened in science this year 1859 The origin of Species Book published Explained a new way for the origin of life on earth Younger people supported it Established people fundamentalist hated it Joseph Hooker botanist Darwin s buddy helps Darin T H Huxley biologist comparative analysis nicknamed Darwin s Bulldog very effective Huxley was a great scientist Hooker and Huxley represented Darwin at the debate Wilberforce opposed Darwin at the debate great speaker but didn t know anything about Biology Richard Owen Wilberforce contacted him for biology insight he was one of Darwin s friends but he became poor and jealous of Darwin He also was an enemy of Huxley and Huxley often won He decided to publish on the origin of species The Great Debate Wilberforce is the first to debate He used silly analogies Huxley is first to counter Wilberforce He would rather be a descendent from a monkey than a cheating lying man Darwin Burial He wanted to be buried next to his daughter but Hooker and Huxley asked the queen if he could be buried in the place where all the famous people and knights are buried She gave them permission The origin of species Variations of all degrees exists within a species of nature Organisms produce more young than naturally can be expected to survive o Malthos fed Darwin s ideas Survival of the fittest In life there is a struggle to survive That s so simple I should ve thought of that Artificial and natural selection o Geometric ratio of increase o Mother nature makes the call Decent without modification gives us a new view of the universe Lecture Evolution Proof of Evolution Macroevolution Above the species level Things you can see hold Microevolution At the species level Deals with population genetics Genetic drift bottleneck Types of Macroevolution Paleontology study of fossil Fossils the remains or signs of something that lived in the past Fossils can tell you shape size age etc Rules for Fossilization 1 Possession of hard parts bones or shells 2 Quick burial 3 Have to protect specimen from scavengers and rotting oxygen cant get to it Fossils in ICE Siberia Alaska North Pole Find Wolly Mammals etc o 30 000 years old or younger Otci ice man Franklin Expedition Fossils in AMBER Fossilized tree sap Preserves the whole organism Makes jewelry Fossils in BOGS Pete Moss Tollund man still had a noose around his neck The body sinks in the moss the moss dies and lowers the pH balance where bacteria can not break down the body Fossils from TAR Places that have a lot of volcanic activity asphaltum Preserved in a ball La Brea tar pit in LA CA saber tooth cats Preserves the bones skeletons Mummies South American and Egyptian mummification Human type mummification COAL Dried out animals natural mummification o Lizards etc o Caught up in your house o Arid conditions o Leaves behind skin and scales Dinosaur Leonardo male perfectly preserved Can find big amphibians etc SEDIMENT Gravel in the driveway is sedimentary fossils Former rivers bluffs Pseudo fossil Not really fossils Casts molds fossilized footprints traces tracks etc Gastroliths and Coprolites Gastroliths gizzard stone o Muscular pouch that breaks down the food earthworm bird dino Coprolites fossilized feces o Can tell what they ate what kind of climate they lived in How do you know how old a fossil is Experience Relative dating o Ballpark reasonable amount of time period or era o Date the layer by the fossil and the fossil by the layer circular reasoning o INDEX FOSSIL used to age a layer Absolute dating o Carbon dating half life and other dumb stuff I don t understand o Doesn t go deep into the species its only good for recent fossils o There are other means of absolute dating Chemical Origin of Life 4 2 billion years ago bacteria fossils 3 5 3 8 billion years ago 1920s Oparin and Haldan came up with the explanations of the chemical origin of life in the 1920 o Abiogenesis inorganic molecules can give rise to organic stuff Lots of hydrogen gas H2 CO2 CO Water vapor CH4 NH2 SO2 H2O Urey Miller Abiogenisis step one Polymerization step 2 Aggregation 3 things begin to interact bionts GOLDILOCKS idea We are the right distance from the sun We have water in the liquid state temperature ranges Size of the planet gravitational forces 5 Steps of the chemical origin on Earth Abiotic Synthesis Polymerization Aggregation interactions Conquest of energy ATP Origin of the genetic code gives us the language of life reproduction abilities mutations etc Lecture Evolution and Geologic Time TERMS TO KNOW Panspermia Chandra Wickaramasinghi Cyanobacteria anorobic Stromatolites rocks fossil algea Snowball Earth solid ice even at the equator the planet froze After the ice melted then

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