MSU NASX 205D - Final Exam Study Guide

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NASX205d 1st Edition Final Exam Study Guide Bison 1 Description 1 important to tribal community religiously connected to the bison used to feed the population provides economic shelter and food 2 US government and settlers killed off large population of bison 60 million before settler to 1000 in 1890 and currently is around 15000 free roaming This was an eradication tactic b history 1 roaming abundant everywhere provided economic benefits food and shelter for natives in addition to biodiversity with the wallows that they make 2 European expansion killed bison as a military strategy to put down natives suppress no food no life 3 as the bison population decrease the biodiversity also decreased as well as food supply for the native population 4 court cases that affected the bison population 1 Johnson V McIntosh 1823 1 people can t purchase land from natives only the federal government can isolated the common joe from the Indian community lays down the foundation for the discovery doctrine 2 Cherokee V Georgia 1830 1 Georgia wanted to control the rights of the Cherokee within their territory the ruling was that the Cherokee nation was a dependent nation basically allows the federal government to do what they want 3 Worcester V Georgia 1831 1 This sets it up so that only the federal government deals with the native communities states shouldn t have contact with Indian country b What is this causing i This harms the ecosystem bison are a critical part of the many ecosystems and are important for many edible plants and birds ii The population of pure bison are almost non existent there are approximately 12 000 left in the world iii Another current problem is the slaughter of the bison that escape Yellowstone national park These are now being caught and given to tribes like the one at fort peck and Dietrich The goal is to reintroduce bison into Indian country as game as well as spiritual reasons iv Buffalo also at risk for burciolis Cobell Case 1 Description 1 The land that was spilt up during the allotment era result in a lot of money for a lot of different people this money should have gone to native Americans not to big business Cobell sued the US Department of interior and treasury b History 1 allotment split up Indian country with the desire to assimilate the native people 1 Dawes 1887 1 allowed us government to allot land based on the census to Native people 2 Burke Act 1906 1 Allows for individual tribal member to own land instead of the tribe 1 assessed whether the individual was competent and capable 2 essentially control the Indian land this resulted in the checker boarding effect because the government had the power to say that people were not capable or competent ii These issues resulted in companies to drill mine and exploit natural resources for profit at the expense of the Native Americans Where the natives should be making a large sum of money from these companies they were not The money was unaccounted for thus causing serious issues b What Happened i 1996 Cobell sued for 200 billion dollars because of mismanagement of funds by the department of interior and the treasury ii Both parties were found guilty but no one knew how much money was actually lost iii so in 2009 congress said that we need to take care of this issue so they decided to allot 3 4 billion dollars to pay for these problems a to the individuals 1 4 billion dollars b 2 billion dollars were allocated to create a fund for tribes to buy back land from the federal government companies c And they also created a scholarship fund for native students to attend college b What are the tribes doing about this i Well some people are very angry because individuals took action but tribes get benefits ii The individuals that made claims for money are currently being paid It is simple to apply for the scholarship funds at Indian trust Settlements website however the buyback is complicated some tribes are utilizing this program but it takes a lot of time and cooperation between very different groups to accomplish anything

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