ECU HIST 1051 - Exam 2 Study Guide
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HIST 1051 2nd Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 6 11 Lecture 6 February 13 What was Progressivism It was a movement in the early 1900s with the mission to build a better country The Progressive group was made up of mostly urban white middle class citizens who were concerned about the distribution of wealth among American society The Progressives argued that more government regulation would help society to function better economically The group advocated on behalf of working class citizens and children They argued against child labor laws and they sought to improve working conditions for men and women What changes did Theodore Roosevelt make in favor of the Progressive Movement Teddy Roosevelt believed that it was the proper role of the government to regulate big businesses During his presidency Teddy enacted many federal changes including the Pure Food and Drug Act and the regulation of medicines that supported Progressivism on the national level What were three of the primary topics that local Progressivism targeted Education prohibition and equal suffrage advocating on behalf of women for the right to vote What was one of the main factors that brought the Progressive Movement to an end The United States entry into the Great War Terms Charles Aycock Progressivism Women s Suffrage Prohibition TR Lint heads Lecture 7 February 20 What were some of the causes of the Great War Increase in economic competition in Europe between Europe and Germany Rise of militarism The countries Germany France Italy Russia and England were creating larger and better equipped militaries Technological Innovations including machine guns and tanks Nationalism Imperialism What type of warfare dominated the Great War and what problems were associated with this method The most common method of battle during the Great War was trench warfare To protect against enemy attacks each side dung thousands of miles of trenches Completing a successful attack on enemy forces was nearly impossible so the war stalled in stalemate Neither side was willing to attempt an attack on their enemy For this reason the Great War marked a transition from offensive fighting techniques that dominated past wars to a more defensive method What prompted the United States to enter into the Great War The United States had an economic relationship with England England was the mother country of the U S and many Americans wanted to protect investments they had made in England What document was signed marking the end of the Great War and how did this effect future wars The document that ended the Great War was the Treaty of Versailles German citizens were outraged at the signing of the Treaty of Versailles They had lost large amounts of men and land during the war They felt as though they were receiving unfair punishment from France and England after the war It is for this reason that many Germans resented the winning countries of the Great War and leaders like Adolf Hitler emerged vowing revenge Terms Treaty of Versailles CPI Trench Warfare Russian Revolution League of Nations Lecture 8 February 25 What were some of the benefits of the creation of the automobile and the automobile industry Henry Ford made more and more automobiles available to middle class and even lower class Americans largely through his development of the assembly line technique This technique of making automobiles allowed for greater efficiency The high demand of automobiles benefitted other industries as well because of the increased need for better roads oil and car parts such as steel rubber and glass What new ideas emerged in regards to popular culture The availability of radios increased during the 1990s They became more affordable to the growing middle class and they exposed many Americans to various types of music Since radios had very few stations they created a sense of unity among the listener society Because people had more leisure time spectator sports emerged as a popular form of entertainment Baseball grew to be America s past time introducing big names such as Babe Ruth and John Baker College football mainly attracted the affluent but it grew in popularity as the 1920s progressed Moving pictures also drew much attention The youth population also underwent major changes during the 1920s Because of innovations such as films and the radio individuals within the youth subculture were all being exposed to very similar music and behaviors which contrasted those of their parents youth The adolescents began to talk differently act differently and they listened to rebellious jazz music and held modernistic beliefs The flapper became the dominant model of femininity Flappers were young girls who were deemed rebels for their short skirts short hair overdone makeup and forward display of sexuality Among this generation talk about sex was much more frank and nonchalant than in previous generations Who were some of the critics of the modernist movement of the 1920s Traditionalists greatly opposed new the ideals and morality of the modernist movement Many traditionalists were religious and were appalled by the open expression of behaviors such as drinking and smoking which had become some common among the youth and other modernists Traditionalists also held very strong beliefs against the theory of evolution and they argued against having it taught in schools The Ku Klux Klan also reemerged out of the traditionalist society Much like their treatment of African Americans during the Reconstruction period the KKK use intimidation fear and threats of death to restrict the growth of the modernist society Writers such as F Scott Fitzgerald Ernest Hemingway T S Elliot and Sinclair Lewis criticized the views of the changing society They argued that many of the modernist beliefs were shallow and materialistic and that too much progress can be counterproductive Terms Flappers Scopes Trial Babe Ruth Henry Ford Cameron Morrison Sinclair Lewis Margaret Sanger Lecture 9 March 4 What were some of the major causes of the Great Depression The country s ability to make goods had surpassed the country s ability to buy products Increased competition by foreign countries The U S was unable to make much profit overseas Consumer demand went down What were some of the consequences of the Great War Unemployment Banks were forced to shut down Many individuals and families lost their homes Crime outbreak Hoovervilles small cities of homeless people on the outskirts of large cities shantytowns

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