UA HD 382 - kayestuddard_Chapter12

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Chapter 12 1 Children who have been victims of maltreatment are at risk for developing a wide range of problems including anxiety depression insecure attachment poor academic performance and low self esteem Certain forms of intervention may help victims of abuse or neglect deal with the trauma they have experienced Therapeutic intervention may be one way to identify if a child needs treatment and if so what problems should the treatment focus on Interventions that help a child learn a new skill and practice decision making can give the child a feeling a control with is beneficial to victims of maltreatment The use of intervention to provide a sense of closure to the experience is really important when the child has been traumatized This can be done by helping the child recall details of an event identify his her feelings the event generated and make the connection between what happened and his her current feelings Interventions that involve the child s family may be beneficial in preventing future occurrences of maltreatment Informal support from neighbors friends and extended family may help to prevent maltreatment by relieving the stress of parents This support may include financial assistance help with transportation and child care Family therapy parenting classes and provision of food and clothing are types of formal support that may help to prevent maltreatment 2 I think when families are actively engaged in their future then they are taking a proactive step to improving their lives Service plans are designed to empower families and build upon their strengths while finding the root of the family s problems A lot of times training can be given to the parents inside their own home and they are taught behaviors to encourage attachment and also how to properly care for their children By learning new skills parents will have less stress which is linked to better parent child relationships Family members are held accountable for their actions and participating in family services provides the family with hope for the future The occurrence of maltreatment or other abuse is usually lessened due to the family receiving the help they need

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UA HD 382 - kayestuddard_Chapter12

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