UA HD 382 - kayestuddard_chapter5

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Chapter 5 1 It did not come as a surprise that kangaroo care had such positive effects on a preterm baby s chances of surviving Having my own child come early and under a lot of stress this is a claim that I can verify Having my daughter giggle and smile when our cheeks brushed each other or having her fall asleep on my chest or feeling her little hand wrap around my finger and squeeze were obvious moments of connection for her and it always was a mutually beneficial bonding practice Is this type of parent child interaction something only third world countries and or native societies know to do without being told I personally don t believe that industrialized society leads to a loss or lack of that kind of intimacy I do believe people are different in how they openly express and administer that intimacy and for good reason There is always going to be some breaking discovery or summary paragraph at the end of some report that some group releases relaying the results of SOME study they have been doing on something And all the people who know or hear about it are going to make sure that their findings become the rule of law so to speak on the topic And they will talk about all the things that point to how beneficial it is to do what it is that their research suggests is the right way to do something The point being made here is that in America there is no shortage of people coming out of the wood work to tell you how you should be doing something It doesn t mean we have to be told how to love our offspring It just means for every person telling you to do something one way there s another person waiting one aisle over that is going to tell you something different 2 If I were going to come up with an activity for 2 4 year olds that would be educational engaging and flexible enough to utilize Piagets s framework and then transition to implement that of Vygotsky I would attempt to create a small maze that had alternating right and left turns While I would have stations set up in between turns and along stretches with appropriate toys like blocks play dough etc I would execute the Piaget model by having little to no indication about when to turn a certain way or go straight at any given point to reach the end To transition to the Vygotsky representation I would have portions of the correct route illuminated and occasionally include a very basic sign at or in place of some toy stations and reveal panel type windows or other pit stops where assistance could be offered or requested and even possibly implement access to the lighting and guidance controls

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UA HD 382 - kayestuddard_chapter5

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