UA HD 382 - kayestuddard_chapter4

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Chapter 4 1 The child who is repeatedly knocking over her sister s blocks is using Goal 1Misbehavior designed to gain attention She is getting attention from others every time she knocks over the blocks even though it is negative she is being recognized Her parents caregivers are most likely feeling annoyed and irritated I would recommend her parents distract her away from the blocks by involving her in a useful task They could say Hi could you help me find This would distract her and make her feel useful and could replace the usual negative response I would also recommend that the parents should find ways to give her positive attention when she is behaving in a way that meets their standards and also give her attention just because she is their daughter This will show her that she gets attention not for misconduct but for just being herself Another suggestion I would make would be for the parents to try and help her to understand the reason for her behavior By doing this she may realize why her behavior is considered unacceptable by others 2 I think the reason more parents do not use the technique of induction is partly the way most were raised I know a lot of people were raised with their parents telling them what they should not do It is most likely hard to break this habit and there are probably many parents who are not aware of this technique I think if I was a parent educator I would definitely try to teach parents this technique It is less negative to tell a child what they should do and highlight the consequences than to tell a child what not to do Children also learn to understand others and it teaches them cause and effect If I was caring for a child who was hitting another child I might say You should keep your hands to yourself because when you hit it hurts others This would emphasize that he she should keep his her hands to him herself instead of being negative and saying Do not hit other child With research showing such positive results I think it is worth any parent or teacher s time to try to change their habits and use this technique If there is any way that keeps negativity in any form out of our children s behavior it is worth trying as there is enough negativity in the world already

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UA HD 382 - kayestuddard_chapter4

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