UGA MGMT 3000 - Communication Cont.
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MGMT 3000 1st Edition Lecture 28 Outline of Last Lecture I Basic Perception Process II Communication Process III Formal Communication Outline of Current Notes I Nonverbal communication II Listening III Feedback IV Cross cultural communication Current Notes Nonverbal communication any communication that does not involve words Types 1 Kinesics movements of body or face a Arm and hand gestures facial expressions etc 2 Paralanguage includes pitch tone volume and speaking pattern of one s voice Communication Medium Method used to deliver a message Types 1 Oral face to face and group meetings a Preferred by managers because it provides opportunity to ask questions 2 Written letters emails and memos a Email is fastest growing form of communication Hearing vs Listening Hearing is the act or process of perceiving sounds Listening is making a conscious effort to hear o Most people are terrible listeners and only retain 1 4th of what they hear Active Listening assuming responsibility for successful communication by actively giving speaker nonjudgmental feedback that shows you ve accurately heard what he or she said Need to Clarify Responses Paraphrase Summarize Empathetic Listening understanding speaker s perspective and personal frame of reference and giving feedback that conveys understanding to speaker Show desire to understand Reflect speaker s emotions These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Feedback Destructive Feedback disapproving without any intention of being helpful and always negative or defensive reaction in the recipient Constructive feedback intended to be helpful corrective and or encouraging o Aimed at correcting performance deficiencies and motivating employees o Immediate Specific and problem oriented feedback Cross Cultural Communication Transmitting information from a person in 1 culture to another Determine whether culture is affective or neutral o Affective culture display emotions and feelings openly when communicating o Neutral don t display emotions and feelings openly Familiarize yourself with the culture Develop respect for cultures Understand address terms o Norms establish whether you address people by first names family names or title Understand attitudes toward time o Monochronic people tend to do one thing at a time and view time as linear Schedules are important o Polychronic people tend to do more than one thing at a time and view time as circular o Differences in the time cultures show up in 4 important concepts Appointment time refers to how punctual you must be when showing up for scheduled appointments or meetings Schedule time time by which scheduled projects should be completed Discussion time how much time you should spend in discussion Acquaintance time how much time you spend getting to know someone before conducting business Improving transmission Make it easier for managers to communicate Emails online discussion forums televised meetings voice messaging Organizational silence withholding information about organizational problems or issues Happens when employees believe that telling management about problems won t make a difference Improving reception Hotlines people can call and leave information for management Survey feedback information collected by survey and then used to develop action plans for improvement Frequent informal meetings one of the best ways to hear what others think and feel Surprise visits allows to get an accurate picture Blog personal website that provides personal opinions or recommendations

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UGA MGMT 3000 - Communication Cont.

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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