World Civilization Review Weeks 1 4 1 Who discovered what Western Europe Merchants feudal system king church People Isabella and Ferdinand First monarchs of a united non Muslim Spain Founded Christoforo Colombo s trip Cristoforo Colombo Places Not the first to theorize that the world was round but a scholar of exploration Wanted to know what was to the west People knew there was land to the north since fisherman from northern spain fished there but what was west Thought you could sail west 3000 miles and from spain and reach Indies ca 1 month journey This would help because they wouldn t have to share trade routes with Portuguese 3 merchant ships Reached the Caribbean after 33 days not the Indies about 9000 miles too short Not the Indies but pitches the West Indies as incredibly fertile Great natural harbors and lots of free local labor native Americans Islands stepping off point for real mainland Central and South America Where Spanish hit the jackpot 2 very rich civilizations Aztec and Inca both conquered by 1550s agriculture riches of Caribbean islands sugar From his voyages others came reached the mainland and used technology and politics to subdue and conquer the locals Beginnings of the trans Atlantic slave trade between 1550 and 1850 perhaps 10 million black slaves shipped to new world Silver from Mexico and South America made Spain rich but very overambitious ruined Spain and caused silver inflation from Europe to China causing economic chaos everywhere So much wealth can lead to trouble and when you ve used up the helpless locals where will you get cheap labor Globalization comes much sooner than you think Portugal Portuguese travel along the western and easter African coasts in the 1400s and 1500s Dominated trans saharan gold trade Major player in slave trade Extended their from ceuta all the way to the S tips of Africa and then up the east coast Vasco de Gama rounded Africa cape of good hope What and who did Portuguese come up against in travels Senegambia Named after two rivers senegal and Gambia Organized hierarchal societies and also stateless societies Three dominant languages Serer Pulaar Wolof Wolof speakers Wolof chief with his griot storyteller poet musician oral historian Clearly defined classes royalty nobility warriors peasants Nobility elected king head of own troops Appointed village chiefs Acquired revenue from chiefs import export duties tributes from conquered enemies Stateless society Based upon age grade systems group of teenage males and females the society initiated into adulthood at the same time All people were born with a certain period linked together mini generations Age grade system cut across family ties and created community wide loyalties Provides a means of local law enforcement since age grade was responsible for the behavior of the entire group Benin 1400 1500s saw the rise of the Benin kingdom Monarchy run by an OBA king organized hierarchal state Benin city capital was huge 25miles First visited by Portuguese in 1485 Kingdom lasted until the end of the 1800s sacked by British Greatest art lay in their metal working by the lost wax process BRONZE Society in western Africa women and children Wives and children are highly desired because they could clear and cultivate the land they brought prestige social and security in old age For this reason major goal of society in W Africa was the production of children without children you are naked men gained numbers of wives polygamy is normal tensions between male generations emphasis on the male virility and female fertility Work Unlike Europe western Africa has an abundance of land Large sections of region lightly populated Portuguese introduce maize sweet potatoes and diseases Not an abundance of manufacturing some metal working benin local cloth some spices salt most important Everything on a pre industry level Sudan three kingdoms Songhay Kanem Bornu Hausaland Songhay Under Muhammad Toure Songhay spread from Gao the capital to east and west swallowing up Timbukto Muhammad Toure converted to Islam He rebuilt royal army and reorganized tax collecting Replaced local officials with arab ones Founded a dynasty which lasted through 9 kings however only 3 of the 9 died of natural causes Kanem Bornu king Idris Alooma E of Songhay King Idris Alooma built standing army and equipped with firearms and camel mounted cavalry defeated locals who only had spears Hausaland Between Songhay and kanem bornu Not an empire or a kingdom Hausa merchants carried on trade in slaves and kola nuts City states like kano and katsina East Africa Ethiopia Survived as Christian Coptic Islamic invasion from south Ethiopia helped by Portuguese But then Portuguese wanted convert Ethiopians to Catholicism Then other local peoples struggled with the Ethiopians Jesuits were expelled in 1633 Swahili City states Independent Islamic towns inhabited by the Swahili people of the coast Vasco de Gama arrived in 1498 and throughout the 1500s the Portuguese attacked each town in turn local people became slaves This location was very appealing for European settlers since it was on the trading sailing route to india Dutch and british took control of this area later and dominated the slave trade Nicolas Copernicus suggests sun is heliocentric and publishes book on death bed on revolution of heavenly spheres because he knows church will not be happy with him 1616 church bans his book Stilled relied on epicylces Tycho Brahe is Danish astronomer observes the sky with his naked eye for 20 years takes notes and passes them down to his assistant Johannes Kepler once he dies Proves that the supernova is not a tailless comet Kepler takes the 20 years of work and comes up with a theory he confirms that the universe is heliocentric and that planets do not move in circles but elliptical orbits Published Astronomia nova in 1609 New astronomy Francis Bacon inductive reasoning specific to general instead of deductive reasoning general specific Telescopes invented by dutch in 1680 not used for looking at stars yet though seafaring nation small handheld telescopes Galileo recreates the telescope and discovers that Jupiter has 4 moons and that the moon is covered with craters He ends up being put on house arrest permanently Enlightenment Bayle French French flees to Netherlands dictionary or early Encyclopedia huge collection of essays asking about moral and intellectual questions published in 1697 John Locke England work on reasoning published in London
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