ACC 221 1st Edition Lecture 25 Outline of Previous Lecture Section 24 Goodwill Goodwill o What is goodwill o Calculating goodwill o Day of acquisition o No goodwill o Goodwill into accounting system Outline of Current Lecture Section 25 Accounting Field Jobs in Accounting o Fields o Opportunity o Typical workday Current Lecture Section 25 Accounting Field Jobs in Accounting o Fields Internal Audit Financial Accounting After 3 5 years many make the decision to either stay in public accounting and move towards becoming a partner or switching to corporate accounting and moving up that way o Opportunities Internships important specifically between summer of junior and senior year Many apply at spring ice Look for candidates who are professional direct and know where they want to go Often successful internships will lead to job offers o Typical workday Busy season and regular season Audit September February 50 60 hours Financial December March These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Generally work with one client for 1 2 weeks auditing and going over everything in accounting process Get to know each client well work in various industries
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