BU BIOL 118 - BIO118 HW4 ch10

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HW 4 Photosynthesis 10 multi choice questions to register answers in Mastering 1 Which of the following is NOT supported by the information in the Figure A The absorption of light by chlorophyll a is associated with regions of the most photosynthetic activity B Peak absorbances of both Chlorophylls a and b are associated with peak regions of photosynthesis too C Plant parts with high amounts of chlorophylls a and b will appear green where as those with high amounts of carotenoids will appear yellow orange or red to the human eye D Carotenoids absorb some wavelengths of light that are not absorbed by chlorophyll a but are still associated with regions of photosynthetic activity E Chlorophylls a and b are the pigments which drive photosynthesis whereas carotenoids do not 2 The useful product s of the light capturing reactions of photosynthesis required to reduce carbon dioxide into sugar include s A ATP NADH B ATP NADPH C O2 D All of the above ATP NADH NADPH and O2 E B C 3 As electrons pass through the system of electron carriers associated with photosystem II they lose energy What happens to this energy A It excites electrons of the reaction center of photosystem I B It is lost as heat C It is used to establish and maintain a proton gradient for the generation of ATP D It is used for phosphorylation of NAD to NADPH while NADPH accepts electrons from the photosystem I E It is used to energize electrons in photosystem I to reduce NADP to NADPH 4 All of the following about cyclic electron flow in photosynthesis are true EXCEPT A Cyclic flow produces ATP B Cyclic electron flow bypasses one of the photosystems reaction centers C Cyclic electron flow enables production of more ATP D Cyclic electron flow produces no NADPH E Cyclic flow produces 02 5 During non cyclic electron flow in photosynthesis the high energy electron from chlorophyll P680 A eventually moves to NADP B becomes incorporated into water molecules C is pumped into the thylakoid space to drive ATP production D provides the energy necessary to split water molecules E falls back to the low energy state in photosystem II 6 Which of the following is NOT TRUE about photorespiration A It uses ATP rather than generating it B Unlike photosynthesis photorespiration produces no sugar C It consumes CO2 and produces O2 D It occurs in the light E C and D both C and D are NOT TRUE about photorespiration 7 Which of the following does NOT occur during the Calvin cycle A carbon fixation B release of oxygen C regeneration of the CO2 acceptor D oxidation of NADPH E consumption of ATP 8 What is the name of the stacks of flattened sac like structures comprised of internal membranes found inside chloroplasts A grana B thylakoids C stroma D matrix E chlorophyll 9 Which of the following is NOT true about the Calvin Cycle A It requires ATP and NADPH in order to carry on B It takes place in the stroma of chloroplasts C The Carbon atom in CO2 is oxidized D It requires the enzyme rubisco to fix CO2 gas E It produces a 3 Carbon sugar 10 Based on your knowledge of the function of the enzyme rubisco what would you predict happen as a result of the burning of fossil fuels over the past 100 plus years A Increased amounts of photorespiration B Increased amounts of the production of 3 phosphoglycerate for use in the Calvin Cycle C Decreased rate of overall photosynthesis D A C select D if both A and C would be plausible predictions E B C select E if both B and C would be plausible predictions Enzymes 1 Can a catalyst make a nonspontaneous reaction occur spontaneously Blue Thread p 146 2 See text Fig 8 15b Explain why the relative activity appears to drop off in this figure when it has been shown that reaction rates tend to increase at higher temperatures as shown in Fig 8 4 Blue Thread p 149 3 Explain how an enzyme s active site can reduce the activation energy of a reaction Blue Thread p 152 4 Why is activation energy a blessing for organisms 5 Why is it essential for a cell to be able to control enzyme activity What are some ways this task is accomplished and why are some more appropriate for certain sorts of chemical pathways

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BU BIOL 118 - BIO118 HW4 ch10

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