UVM REL 021 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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Religion 021 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures Buddhism R 21 Introduction to Religion Asian Traditions Remember Using bullet points on the exam will result in partial credit Write in complete sentences Do not use Internet sources Concentrate on significance of the word item 1 Siddhartha Gautama Shakyamuni The Buddha Siddhartha Gautama From the Clan Shakya Sometimes referred to as the Shakyamuni Shakya shakya clan Muni wise person o Later known as the Buddha Buddha The awakened one 2 Biography of the Buddha Lifespan 29 years old he was a renunciant and moved to the woods 6 years 35 years old he achieved Nirvana 45 years Until he was in his 80 s he spread his teachings Conception Birth M y mother o Had a dream that a white elephant entered her side This meant that her son would either be a great warrior emperor or a great teacher o Gave birth in Lumbini The gods are said to have shown up to marvel at the child Buddha was bathed in a shower of water Shortly after being born he stood up took 7 steps and declared that this was his final rebirth Youth His mother died 7 days after the birth Overprotective father kept him from the outside world Renunciant 1st teacher Alara Kalama o Taught meditation that induced profound trance o Offered him joint leadership but refused b c not the solution he sought 2nd teacher Uddaka Ramaputta o Taught meditation that allowed sphere of perception non perception 3rd teacher himself Self taught o Practiced retaining breath failed o Almost died only one grain of rice water o Girl finds him sitting in forest and offers food Bodhi Enlightenment liberation from samsara realization o Sutras teachings Enlightenment 1st Night power to look back on past lives 2nd night clairvoyant power death rebirth of all beings 3rd night knowledge that his spiritual defilements had been eliminated and that he had rooted out craving and ignorance forever o Attained nirvana ended rebirth Remained at the Bodhi Gaya for seven weeks pondering future Set out for the five former associates who turned his back on him when he rejected the path of austerity Creation of the Middle Way First Sermon First Teaching Proclaimed self as Tathagata o One who has attained what is really so Setting in motion the Wheel of the Dharma o Four Noble Truths Stream enterer one who has achieved preliminary degree of spiritual understanding Bhikkhu monks o All five associates became enlightened o After hearing the second sermon attained full enlightenment o Known as Arahants saints Teaching Eventually 60 Arahants set out to teach out of world compassion After 5 years Order of Monks established They were set out to create order of Nuns but did not flourish as much as monks Traveled on foot through towns and villages of Northeast India 150 mi long 250 mi wide Occasionally depicted working miracles psychic powers developed through meditation Residential Establishments Viharas Monasteries 3 Four Noble Truths 1 The Truth of Suffering dukkha birth is suffering sickness is suffering old age is suffering and death is suffering Pain grief sorrow lamentation and despair are suffering Not to get what one wants is suffering I short the five factors of individuality are suffering 2 The Truth of Arising samudaya the thirst or craving that gives rise to rebirth which is bound up with passionate delight and which seeks fresh pleasure now here and now thee 2 3 4 5 6 in the form 1 thirst for sensual pleasure 2 thirst for existence 3 thirst for nonexistence The Truth of Cessation nirodha It is the utter cessation of that craving the withdrawal from it the renouncing of it the rejection of it liberation from it non attachment to it The Truth of the Path magga leads to the cessation of suffering is the noble eightfold path Dukkha 4 fold analysis o Problem suffering discontent and stress o Cause constant craving o Solution control craving relinquish craving o Method Eight fold path Trishna Tanha Thirst craving to hold on to pleasurable experiences o Principle cause for dukkha first of the four noble truths o Principle cause of suffering in the world 7 Four Sights Siddhartha yearned for deeper spiritually satisfying way of life Father fearful that he would fulfill destiny as teacher so arranged for streets and kingdom to be filled with healthy smiling people o By chance encountered an old man Returned home to contemplate what it meant to grow old o 2nd ride encountered a sick man o 3rd ride encountered a corpse being carried to the cremation ground Returned home to contemplate the transient nature of human existence and that the palace couldn t keep suffering and death at bay o 4th ride encountered a religious renunciant in a loincloth begging for alms Inspired by sight to seek solution to problems of the human condition Left wife and child that night and departed to become homeless religious mendicant 8 Three Marks Imperance Unsatisfactoriness Suffering 9 Middle Way The eightfold path is known as the middle way because it steers a course between a life of indulgence and one of harsh austerity There are 8 factors divided into 3 categories o Morality meditation wisdom eightfold path 3 10 Nirvana 2 components to attain nirvana Virtue and Wisdom deep understanding of the human condition Both are necessary for nirvana but neither is sufficient o Life is suffering and suffering is caused by craving suffering can have an end and there is a path to end it o Literally means quenching or blowing out in the way a candle flame is blown out greed hatred and illusion are blown out Rebirth ceases enlightened person is not reborn removing the craving and ignorance is like removing the oxygen and fuel from the candle flame This means to an end of suffering and rebirth 11 Eight Fold Path Right o View understanding Acceptance of the Buddha s teachings and experiential confirmation wisdom o Right resolve Serious commitment to developing right attitudes wisdom o Right speech Telling the truth and speaking in a thoughtful way morality o Right action Abstaining from bad behavior morality o Right livelihood Not engaging in an occupation that harms others morality o Right effort Gaining control of ones thoughts and cultivating right mind meditation o Right mindfulness Maintaining awareness meditation o Right meditation Developing methods of deep mental calm meditation 12 Tripitaka 3 baskets Originally Sutra sermons Vinaya rules of monastic life and Abhidharma philosophical discourse and interpretation of doctrine o Theravada Pali canon o

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