UGA MGMT 3000 - Intrinsic Motivation
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MGMT 3000 1st Edition Lecture 23 Outline of Last Lecture I Training Methods II Feedback III Compensation decisions IV Terminating employment Outline of current Lecture I Motivation II Theories for needs III Equity Theory Current Lecture Motivation is the set of forces that initiates directs and makes people persist in their efforts to accomplish a goal Initiationof effortis concerned with the choices that people make about how much effort to put forth in their jobs Direction of effortis concerned with the choices that people make in deciding where to put forth effort in their jobs Initiation Direction and Persistence of effort lead to performance Job Performance Motivation X Ability X Situational constraints Motivation is effort degree to which someone works hard to do the job well Ability is the degree to which someone has the skills knowledge and talent needed to do the job Situational constraints are the factors beyond control of employees that have affect on job performance Need Satisfaction Needs are physical psychological requirements that must be met for survival and well being Unmet needs create uncomfortable internal state of tension that must be resolving Once a need is met then the motivation is gone Theories for Needs 1 Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs suggests that people are motivated by physiological food and water safety physical and economic belongingness friendship love social interaction esteem achievement and recognition and self actualization realizing your full potential needs 2 Alderfer s ERG Theory collapses Maslow s five needs into three existence safety and physiological needs relatedness belongingness and growth esteem and self actualization These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute People can be motivated by more than one need at a time 3 McClelland s Learned Needs Theory suggests that people are motivated by the need for affiliation to be liked and accepted the need for achievement to accomplish challenging goals or the need for power to influence others The degree to which particular needs motivate varies from person to person Higher order needs will not motivate as long as lower order needs remain unmet Extrinsic rewards tangible and visible to others and are given to employees contingent on performance of specific tasks or behaviors Intrinsic rewards Natural rewards associated with performing task or activity Managers can take several practical steps to motivate employees Start by asking people what their needs are Satisfy lower order needs first Expect peoples needs to change As needs change and lower order needs are satisfied create opportunities for employees to satisfy higher order needs Equity Theory Outcome Self Input self Outcomes refrent Inputs refrent Inputs contributions employees make to organization Outcomes What employees receive in exchange for their contribution Referents others with whom people compare themselves to determine if they have been treated fairly Inequity Under reward getting fewer outcomes relative to the referent Over reward Getting more outcomes relative to inputs than the referent When people perceive that they have been treated inequitably they may Decrease or withhold inputs Increase outcomes Rationalize or distort inputs to outcomes Change the referent Leave

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UGA MGMT 3000 - Intrinsic Motivation

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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