UT Dallas NSC 4366 - Cerebellum
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NSC 4366 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I Basal Ganglia Outline of Current Lecture II Cerebellum cerebellum sits on top of the pons cerebellar peduncle is just fiber bundles inputs arrive at the cerebellar cortex cortex works its magic and projects to deep nuclei deep nuclei provide the cerebellar output These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute anterior lobe is in the front flocculonodular lobe came first evolutionarily longitudinal from side to side vermis is the midline structure paravermis paramedian is lateral to the vermis lateral zone is involved in motor skills of the hand skilled movement biggest part in cerebellum vermis invoved in trunk balance paravermis involved in proximal limbs biceps triceps quads hamstrings someone with paravermal dysfunction would not be able to walk right flocculonodular controls trunk body posture and eye movements if someone has body posture problems they also have eye movement problems involves rubrospinal tract vestibulospinal tract Anterior love regulates movement of legs dentate nucleus lateral cerebellum fine movement of the hands paravermis intermediate nucleus vermis fastigial nuceus two inputs one output green input inferior cerebellar peduncle spinal cord talks to cerebellum via the inferior cerebellar peduncle incoming info from spinal cord and medulla gold input middle cerebellar peduncle transverse fibers going from pons to nucleus the cortex talks to the cerebellum indirectly cortex sends information down to pontine nuclei in the middle cerebellar peduncle and that s how it communicates to the cerebellum if you had a pontine stroke you would lose input to cerebellum

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UT Dallas NSC 4366 - Cerebellum

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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