SELU GBIO 153H - Exam 1 Study Guide

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GBIO 153 H 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 8 Lecture 1 January 26 Initial Discussion 1 Define Science Organized body of knowledge that explains the way the universe works Often includes understanding investigation and curiosity CHARACTERISTICS of SCIENCE Attempts to explain and understand naturally occurring sciences Based on observations senses etc Search for regularities patterns involves information processing Ongoing and ever changing Celebrate the history of science There is no room for superstition prejudice or mysticism 2 What is the role of science and biology in society We have a better understanding of the things around us 3 Comment on Carl Sagan s statements regarding the definition of science A Science invites us to let the facts in even when they do not conform to our preconceptions Ignore the facts and preconceptions you may have understood previously in order to learn the truth B Science encourages open mindedness and embraces age old ideas Don t be prejudice Keep an open mind going into every situation or research C Science encourages skeptical scrutiny of everything Science encourages people to see it for themselves and make your own findings D Science is a way to call the bluff of those who pretend to have unsupported knowledge With respect science encourages people to prove others wrong E Science is a bulwark against mysticism superstition and prejudice to knowledge itself Review Characteristics of Science above F Science requires vigilance dedication and courage Vigilance is required so that scientists never give up 4 Differentiate between physical earth and life sciences Physical science is the fundamental element of science often used to describe broad topics such as forces gravity light etc It is often covered in physics and chemistry Earth sciences are often related to studies such as astronomy geology oceanography climatology meteorology etc The study of life sciences is directly involved with studying living organisms This is often explored in the fields of biology botany zoology biochemistry etc Lecture 2 January 28 Initial Discussion Continued 5 Compare and Contrast science and technology In a sense Science is the tool and technology is the form of application 6 Why is science considered a unified endeavor Science is the search for truth and understanding It explains how things work 7 Is spending great amounts of money to support science worth it Yes it is worth it Not only because of knowledge understanding and the exploration of truth but also because of the spinoffs that derive from scientific experiments For example by having a greater understanding of oysters scientists also better understand the formation of and treatments for Cystic Fibrosis 8 Why have the science scores of Americans students plummeted over the last decade For one Society had become lazy and distracted We as a people have also become complacent with our lives Also the information from teachers to elementary middle and high school students is sometimes false or opinionated information 9 What can be done to improve the state of American science education We need realistic education courses that also fit the needs of the teachers Because grade school teachers are so influential of the future of children they need to stay updated with their knowledge on the subject that they teach 10 Describe recent events that will be science history tomorrow Ebola mutation of disease stem cells advancements in cancer treatment Black Holes drone delivery 3D printing 11 Discuss several misconceptions about science and scientists Darwin is evil science is boring 12 Define biology Describe several disciplines of biology Biology is the study of life Lecture 3 February 2 Initial Discussion Continued 13 Why is biology an integral part of every curriculum Why is quality biology education so important Biology is the study of life therefore it relates to everyone in every major 14 Discuss biological professions Some biology professions include Botany ecologist geologist etc 15 Discuss some hot issues in biology today Ebola 3D printing etc Refer to question 10 16 Interpret the following Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge it is those who know little and not those who know much who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science Charles Darwin People who don t necessarily have all of the true facts seem to boast the most The task of science is to simplify not to glorify The task of science is to seek truth and understanding not to mystify The task of science is to benefit humankind not to destroy it The task of humankind is to understand enough science to see that this happens It is our duty as humankind to protect our environment and universe 17 Why is the cell considered a little universe Describe several important components of a typical cell Mitochondria powerhouse of the cell source of aerobic respiration Plasma membrane fluid mosaic model Cytoplasm mostly water inclusions cellular debris Golgi Apparatus process store and release cellular products ER smooth detox rough lined with ribosomes makes proteins Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll photosynthesis 18 Describe the relationship between photosynthesis and respiration Photosynthesis 6CO2 6H20 C6H12O6 6O2 Respiration ATP C6H12O6 6O2 6CO2 6H2O 19 Why is cancer considered cell division that has gotten out of control With cancer the bad cells continue to grow 20 Are we standing at the dawn of the age of genetic engineering Events that prove that we do cloning sheep crick and Watson etc 21 Discuss several pro s and con s of genetic engineering Pros curing disease better products plants and animals bio remediation spin offs Cons threatens human variety biological warfare 22 Define evolution Simply change over time 23 How can we make sense of the diversity of the biological world Evolution helps us to explain natural selection etc 24 Describe 3 pressing environmental issues at the global and local level Louisiana eroding coastline panasian pollution invasive species overpopulation loss of habitat Lecture 4 February 9 11 Defining life and the Characteristics of life Shares a common chemistry Cells are the basic unit of structure and function of all living things unicellular and multicellular Organisms undergo metabolic activities Organisms have lifespans All living things have an origin Spontaneous generation life from nonliving Fixity all living things were placed on Earth in their original

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