REFERENCES Sherman J 2010 Explicit and Implicit Memory Intuition Training Basics Psychology Today Internet Cited 2014 September 11 Available from http www psychologytoday com blog ambigamy 201011 explicit andimplicit memory intuition training basics Intuition and how implicit and explicit memory are different are covered in this article Implicit is second nature and happens not necessarily purposefully while with explicit memory you are purposefully memorizing is It is very simplistic and it is therefore a very good comparison to more scholarly articles that are for insiders This is an article that is from the inside to outside teaching the people about implicit memory Geyer T Mueller H 2010 Sleep Effects on Implicit and Explicit Memory in Repeated Visual Search Ploes One Internet Cited 2014 September 11 Available from http www plosone org article info 3Adoi 2F10 1371 2Fjournal pone 0069953 This article is on an experiment that was done that has to do with different types of memory and whether they are affected by sleep It was conducted on different types of memory such as implicit explicit and working memory It is a scholarly article and therefore a good comparison for non scholarly articles especially because of how it s set up Hassin RR Bargh JA Engell AD McCulloch KC 2008 Implicit working memory Elsevier Internet Cited 2014 September 11 18 3 665 678 Available from www yale edu acmelab articles IWM in press pdf Implicit working memory is another scholarly article and is comprised of 5 studies Due to it being an article for those that specialize in psychology it is harder for an outsider to understand It is done by many authors so therefore has sources from many places The experiment had to do with patterns and there were 5 studies that used 2 paradigms The results proved that active processes of working memory can be unintentionally activated Koenig P Smith E Troiani V Anderson C Moore P Grossman M 2008 Medial Temporal Lobe Involvement in an Implicit Memory Task Evidence of Collaborating Implicit and Explicit Memory Systems from fMRI and Alzheimer s Disease Oxford Journals Internet Cited 2014 September 11 18 12 2831 2843 Available from http cercor oxfordjournals org content 18 12 2831 short This article is more on how the lobe is involved and also relating it to Alzheimer s Disease and also again including explicit memory This is a collaboration and therefore pulling perspectives and information from a variety of people instead of one person This is an article that is a bit different from the other scholarly sources so therefore will be a good comparison Hanson R 2010 Taking in the Good Psychology com Internet cited 2014 September 11 Available from http www psychology com articles p 194 more 194 This article is more simplistic and uses easy to understand examples for the reader It is a decent length however something that is obviously for the public He explains how the brain interprets with the carrot and stick or the reward and consequence Ellis Christensen T 2014 What is Implicit Memory Wise Geek Internet cited 2014 September 11 Available from http www wisegeek com what is implicit memory htm Implicit memory is discussed and in this article it shows how it relates to other areas It is for teaching the people who are not as knowledgeable in psychology It is again a good comparison to the other scientific journals It focuses more on amnesia and how its related to implicit memory Hu Y Jin Y Hu C He H 2013 Loneliness and Their Relationship to Explicit and Implicit SelfEsteem Scientific Research Internet cited 2014 September 11 4 5 455 458 Available from http www scirp org journal PaperInformation aspx PaperID 31396 VBMXkGMa6nE This is a scholarly article that is a research done by 4 people Once again due to the quantity of authors there is a good mix of opinions and also information that they each have or gathered It is a good comparison due to it being lengthy and how its structured and set up The article is on how implicit and explicit self esteem affects loneliness
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