UT Dallas NSC 4366 - Exam 2 Study Guide
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NSC 4366 1nd Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 7 10 Lecture 7 Olfactory Nerve CN 1 sensory Damage to olfactory nerve results in loss of sense of smell in ipsilateral nostril Very inconsequential most people go their whole lives without knowing Optic Nerve CN2 sensory visual Damage to optic nerve results in complete blindness in ipsilateral eye Oculomotor Nerve CN3 innervates ipsilateral medial rectus Damage results in ipsilateral eye drifting outward because medial rectus is weak lateral rectus takes over ipsilateral pupil also stays dilated when light is shown on the eyes Ex This lady has damage to the right oculomotor nerve Trochlear Nerve CN4 innervates superior oblique Damage results in diplopia and inability to intort the eye so the patient manually intorts it by tilting head so that damaged eye is upward Trigeminal Nerve CN5 primarily facial sensation some chewing Damage results in ipsilateral loss of sensory perception inflammation of trigeminal nerve by herpes zoster will present with specific dermasome representation on the face Abducens Nerve CN6 innervation of lateral rectus Damage results in ipsilateral eye drifting medially innervation to lateral rectus is damaged so medial rectus takes over Facial Nerve CN 7 motor innervation of the face Damage results in ipsilateral face weakening ex Bell s Palsy UMN lesion does not involve forehead Auditory CN 8 hearing Damage results in ipsilateral hearing loss Glossopharyngeal CN 9 taste Damage results in loss of taste Doesn t really present telling physical symptoms of damage Vagus CN 10 guttural signals parasympathetic and soft palette motor control Damage results in deviation of uvula AWAY from lesion towards the strong side Ex Damage to left vagus left palette is drooping weak Accessory CN11 innervation of neck and shoulder muscles Damage results in shoulder paresis so affected shoulder droops Ex Damage to right accessory Hypoglossal CN 12 motor innervation of tongue Damage results in tongue deviating to side of lesion This lady has damage to the right hypoglossal nerve Lecture 8 MIDBRAIN Mesencephalic Trigeminal Nucleus CN V sensory jaw proprioception Oculomotor Nucleus CN III motor innervates medial lemniscus Edinger Westphal Nucleus CN III sympathetic Trochlear Nucleus CN IV exits midbrain dorsally and wraps around trauma nerve intorts eye Red Nucleus extrapyramidal rubrospinal movement coordination Dopamine synthesis at ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra PONS Abducens Nucleus CN VI innervates the lateral lemniscus Chief Sensory Nucleus of Trigeminal Nerve CN V fine touch and vibration to the face Primary Motor Nucleus of Trigeminal Nerve CN V jaw jerk reflex motor control of the jaw Facial Nerve Nucleus CN VII motor control of the face Vestibular and Cochlear Nuclei CN VIII auditory response and balance Norepinephrine synthesis locus coeruleus in dorsal pons MEDULLA Solitary Nucleus CN X and CN IX Nucleus Ambiguus CN X and CN IX innervates pharynx larynx and soft palette Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus CN X parasympathetic responses of internal organs Hypoglossal Nucleus CN XII motor control of the tongue Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus CN V crude pain and temperature to face Lecture 9 Reticular Formation Functions of long projections Pain sensory perception Posture Wakefulness arousal RAS reticular activating system Filters incoming stimuli to block irrelevant stimuli Ventral pons is dominated by transverse fibers that originate in pons and pass through contralateral cerebellar peduncle to the cerebellar hemisphere Ventral surface of the midbrain contains a huge column of descending motor fibers the crus in red corticospinal tract Caudal Medulla Rostral Medulla the middle cerebri Pons Midbrain Midbrain Nuclei 1 2 3 4 5 6 Red nucleus motor control especially for posture Receives signals from motor cortex they cross and descend through the rubrospinal tract Superior colliculus visual control of eyes reflex tectospinal tract Inferior colliculus receives auditory input thalamus to assist in visual reflex PAG pain processing Medial lemniscus rostral sensory path axons of nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus form this Substantia nigra movement control caudate and putamen striatum

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UT Dallas NSC 4366 - Exam 2 Study Guide

Type: Study Guide
Pages: 11
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