POLI 105 1st Edition Lecture 4 Nye Three Types of International Systems o World Imperial Systems Has moved between periods of empires world imperial systems which usually were more regional than global o Feudal Systems In which loyalties often overlapped politically culturally and economically Note that system of feudal states was in part organized and structured by an overriding principle i e Church in Europe o Anarchic System of States Composed of comprehensive states that have no higher govt above but which embrace competition Organization of Politics 1 Ordering principles anarchy a Structure is an organizational concept and the prominent characteristics of international politics seems to be a lack of order and organization 2 Function states a There are lots of different types of state structures but the essential unit is the state 3 Capabilities variations of power a Power is estimated by comparing the capabilities of a number of units Individual Level Theories Diplomatic strategies Rational Choice Often an individual theory but can apply across to assume how actors will respond Psychological theories Cognitive psychology Motivational psychology Behavioral economics These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Psycho biology Autonomy vs Capacity Mann State a Forum of Political Interactions that gets its power from 1 Necessity 2 Centrality 3 Multiplicity Characteristics of the State 1 The differentiated set of institutions and personnel 2 Centrality of the state in political relations that radiate outwards from a center 3 A territorially demarcated area 4 A monopoly of authoritative binding rule making backed up by a monopoly of the means of physical violence Rational Choice Theory Perfectly Rational Instrumental Rational Bounded rational Game theory Psychological Approaches Cognitive Psycho o Process by which people seek to make sense of the raw info about the world Motivational Psychology o What motivates human behavior Deep seeded fears desires and needs Self esteem social approval a sense of entitlement or efficacy Behavioral Economics o Prospect theory 20 or a ticket that gives you a 1 in 100 chance to win 1 million dollars Liberalism Economic Social Political Democratic Peace Marxism Philosophically based theory of how history unfolds borrowed from Hegel and then turned upside down by making the material world and social conflict not the clash of ideas the motor of history Understanding of how classes dominate each other Critical discussion of how capitalism works Political doctrine on how to replace capitalism with socialism Critiques of Marxism Extensive history of economic and military cooperation among industrial powers showed that capitalist countries could cooperate Divisions among the communist countries suggested that socialism did not promote harmony Economically Marxism s theory and its basis on labor was seen as to simplistic Marxism could be dogmatic and overly deterministic but often proved fallible Marxist economic models generally didn t work as well as export orientated and more capitalist models of development
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