POLI 105 1st Edition Lecture 5 Individual Theories Pluralist and East vs More Structure Theories Contrast Marxism structural theory o Set of privileged bourgeoisie and oppressed proletariat o Zero sum type game o Structure constrains you Static theory issues of autonomy and capacity o Weber and the definition of the state o Mann infrastructure and despotic power o Mann and the State o Sources of social power Second Dimensions of Power What issues actually get addressed 1 Agenda setting who sets the agenda a Who decides what gets discussed as opposed to what is ignored b Why is something more important than something else 2 Mobilization of bias Organizations here matter What are organizations o Institutions to mobilize bias Third Dimension of Power The capacity of actor A to shape what actor B actually thinks about To get B to do what B does not want to do but also to influence shape and determine what B wants Norms and Values o Possible for not only B but also A to be shaped by norms and values in ways that they have been conditioned to believe Gramci s Notion of Hegemony These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Mann IEMP Power is socially constructed the logistics of power not what power means Not so much content but capacity to apply it 1 Ideological a Logistical basis to bring people together b i e marines semper fi gung ho ooh rah 2 Economic a More money more power 3 Military a Concentrated violent power 4 Political a Diplomacy b Finding ways to solve issues between countries
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