HB 307 1st Edition Lecture 9 Current Lecture Background Investigations Organizations using credit reports must 1 Check state laws to see if credit reports can legally be used 2 Advise and receive written consent from applicants if a report will be requested 3 Provide a written certification to the consumer reporting agency as to the purpose of the report 4 Provide applicants a copy of the consumer report as well as a summary of their rights under the CCRRA 5 Must provide an adverse action notice a person if that person is not hired and contact information related to the reporting agency Preemployment Test An objective and standardized measure of a sample of behavior that is used to gauge a person s knowledge skills abilities and other characteristics KSAOs in relation to other individuals Pre employment testing has the potential for lawsuits Approaches to Validation Criterion related Validity The extent to which a selection tool predicts or significantly correlates with important elements of work behavior A high score indicates high job performance potential a low score is predictive of low job performance Predictive Validity These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute The extent to which applicants test scores match criterion data obtained from those applicants employees after they have been on the job for some indefinite period Content validity The extent to which a selection instrument such as a test adequately samples the knowledge and skills needed to perform a particular job Example typing tests driver s license examinations Construct validity The extent to which a selection tool measures a theoretical construct or trait Are difficult to validate Example creative arts tests honesty tests Decision Making Strategy Selection Considerations Should individuals to be hired according to their highest potential or according to the needs of the organization At what grade or wage level to start the individual Should selection be for employee job match or should advancement potential be considered Should those not qualified but qualifiable be considered Should overqualified individuals be considered What effect will a decision have on meeting affirmative action plans and diversity considerations Statistical Approach Compensatory Model Permits a high score in one area to make up for a low score in another area Multiple Cutoff Model Requires an applicant to achieve a minimum level of proficiency on all selection dimensions Multiple Hurdle Model Only applicants with sufficiently high scores at each selection stage go on to subsequent stages in the selection process Selection Ratio The number of applicants compared with the number of people to be hired Cutoff Score The point in a distribution of scores above which a person is considered and below which a person is rejected Final Decision Selection of applicant by departmental or immediate supervisor to fill vacancy Notification of selection and job offer by the human resources department
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