Psyc 362 Class Notes for Exam 1 Chapter 3 continued 2 12 15 Forebrain cerebral cortex basal ganglia limbic system 2 Diencephlon thalamus and hypocampus Hypothalamus important in ANS related to the optic chiasm visual nerves and pituitary gland controls many endocrine glands gonads thyroid adrenal etc Anterior Pituitary is controlled by the neerves of various neruons in the hypothalamus and pituitary controls vassopressin and oxcytocin love contractions inuterus during labor Posterior pituitary gland endoctrine gland that is just neral tissues axons and secretes the hormones again into the blood stream the cell bodies lie in the hypothalamus figure 3 17 Neurosecretory cells are neurons that secrete hormones Midbrain Mesencephalon consists of tectum and tegmentum 1 Tectum dorsal portion of midbrain consisting of a superior and inferior colliculi both intrusions in the midbrain which is involved in visual and auditory systems a Collculus singular of colliculi superior influences eye movements inferior influences auditory perception 2 tegmentum located under tectum and consists of the following a Rostal end of the reticular formation which is important in arousal b perriaqueductal gray many neurons around the cerebral aqueduct c red nucleus important in motor activity d substantia nigra contains cell bodies that produce dopamine and contain melanonin e ventral tegmental area vta which is VERY important in the reward system Hindbrain Metencephalon and myelencephalon 1 metencephalon includes cerebellum and pons Pons contain reticular formation and is involved in the control of sleep and arousal Cerebellum involved in motor control each cerebellar hemisphere is attached to the dorsal surface of the pons by 3 cerebellar peduncles fiber tracks recieves visual auditory vestibular somatosensory infor and info of individual muscle movements being directed by the brain it integrates this info and modifies the motor out flow oto exert and coordinate smooth effect on the movement cerebral cortex covers this deep cerebellar nuclei project to different parts of the brain for appropriate control of movement coordination peduncle communicate cerebellum to rest of brain ponslbrite contains a number of fibers that go from this region to the contralateral side to convey information to the cerebellum 2 myelencephalon medulla oblongata most caudal portion of brain and rostal to the spinal cord contains part of the reticular formation nuclei here control vital functions such as regulation of cardiovascular system breathing and skeletal muscle tone Spinal Cord protected by ventral column thick bone structure and passes through the spinal foramen opening in each vertebrae Has nerves emerging throughout distributes motor fibers to help in movement and allow entrance of sensory information from various regions of the brain contains motor neurons to send infor from the brain to muscles but also neurons that recieve info and send to the brain afferent axons to the CNS conveying senosry info and Efferent axons from CNS to muscles and glands generates reflexive control neurons are in the core part gray matter PNS 1 somatic division composed of nerves that control muscle actions and carry sensory info back to the CNS Cranial nerves involved in motor and or sensory functions and spinal nerves 2 autonomic division governs smooth muscle cardiac muscle and gland secretion has subdivisions parasympathetic division which supports activities that increase energy sympathetic division which is involved in arousal and the expenditure of energy Nerve collection of axons outside the CNS tract collection of axons inside the CNS nucleus collection of cell bodies inside CNS ganglia collection of cell bodies outside CNS exception is the basal ganglia
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