HB 307 1st Edition Lecture 8 Current Lecture Matching People and Jobs Selection The process of choosing individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill existing or projected job openings Selection Considerations o Person Job Fit Job analysis identifies required individual competencies KSAOs for job success o Person organization fit degree to which individuals are matched to the culture and values of the organization Begin with a Job Analysis Job Description detailed list of tasks duties responsibilities and authority Job specifications individual competencies employees need for success the knowledge skills abilities and other factors KSAOs that lead to superior performance The Selection Process Reliability degree to which interviews tests and other selection procedures yield comparable data over time and alternative measures Validity Degree to which a test or selection producer measures a person s attributes Online Applications Internet based automated posting application and tracking process helps firms to more quickly fill positions Benefits include more diverse applicant pool reduces costs online screening collecting and mining resumes with keyword searches to identify qualified candidates Employment Interview Practical when there are only a small number of applications Serves other purposes such as personal relations Interviewers maintain great faith and confidence in their judgments These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Interviewing Methods Nondirective Applicant determines course of the discussion while the interviewer refrains from influencing the applications remarks Structured Interview in which a set of standardized questions having an established set of answers is used Situational Applicant is given a hypothetical incident and ask how they would respond Behavioral Description Interview BDI Applicant is asked questions about what they did in a given situation Panel and Sequential Interview Board of interviewers questions and observes a single candidate Phone interview Can be effective and help expand a company s talent pool Computer interview Uses a computer program to have applicants answer questions and answers are compared with an ideal profile or to other candidates Video and Digitally Recorded Interviews Uses video conferences to record and evaluate job candidates technical abilities energy appearance being incurring the costs of a face to face meeting 11 Rules For Employment Interview 1 Understand the job 2 Establish an interview plan 3 Establish and maintain rapport and listen actively 4 Pay attention to nonverbal cues 5 Provide information as freely and honestly as possible 6 Use questions effectively 7 Separate facts from inferences 8 Recognize stereotypes and biases 9 Avoid the halo error or judging an individual favorably or unfavorably overall on the basis of only one strong point or weak point on which you place high value 10 Control the course of the interview 11 Standardize the questions asked Diversity Management Questions Related to race color age religion sex or origin can be hazardous Consult EEOC and FEP information for interview guidelines Most questions are acceptable if job related and relate to everyone Background Checks Organizations using credit reports must 1 Check state laws to see if credit reports can legally be used 2 Advise and receive written consent from applicants if a report will be requested 3 Provide a written certification to the consumer reporting agency as to the purpose of the report 4 Provide applicants a copy of the consumer report as well as a summary of their rights under the CCRRA 5 Must provide an adverse action notice a person if that person is not hired and contact information related to the reporting agency Pre employment Test 6 An objective and standardized measure of a sample of behavior that is used to gauge a person s knowledge skills abilities and other characteristics KSAOs in relation to other individuals 7 Pre employment testing has the potential for lawsuits Approaches to Validation Criterion related Validity The extent to which a selection tool predicts or significantly correlates with important elements of work behavior A high score indicates high job performance potential a low score is predictive of low job performance Predictive Validity The extent to which applicants test scores match criterion data obtained from those applicants employees after they have been on the job for some indefinite period Content validity The extent to which a selection instrument such as a test adequately samples the knowledge and skills needed to perform a particular job Example typing tests driver s license examinations Construct validity The extent to which a selection tool measures a theoretical construct or trait Are difficult to validate Example creative arts tests honesty tests
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