TAMU MUSC 201 - Kattari March 24 Lecture Notes

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3 24 Music and the Human Experience with Professor Kattari Extra credit add 5 classical songs and movie autobiography report due March 31 More Romantic Piano music composers Franz Schubert o Vienna o Overshadowed by Beethoven o Very prolific wrote over 1000 600 were lieder o Bohemian starving artist o Very personally expressive o Wrote Gretchen am Spinnrade 1814 17 years old Based on a play by Goethe Faust Selling soul to devil to be a rockstar has one night stand with a girl then ditches Protagonist is the pregnant woman o Wrote Erlkonig Elf King 1815 18 years old Set to Goethe s poem Boy talking to death dad racing through woods to save the boy Lieds have piano and voice Music Differentiation between Art folk and popular is the transmission of music music type and how it s supported US Folk music in 1800s about community orally transmitted anonymous author o Native American o European o African US Art music written scores o Trained composer and performers advanced music o Not overwhelmingly funded by public at large need to support from state wealthy people o For highbrows European opera and art songs American Parlor songs Middle class amateurs Voice and piano Popular Music in US 1800s o For lowbrows Popular European songs American minstrel songs o Minstrelsy First distinctly American popular music 1840s 1900 slavery Stage act w song music dance and skits Stereotypical and supposed representations of black southern songs Ethiopian shows Whites and later blacks in black face minstrel shows o Music and lyrics Banjos spoons tambourines fiddle Music sounds more European than African Usually about Love and theft Set stereotypical characters Embodied exotic traits White working class mocked rich whites Minstrels were like the ventriloquist and dummy Stephen Foster 1840s 1860s o Father of American Music professional songwriter o Highbrow parlor songs Jeanie o Lowbrow minstrel songs Oh Susanna o Plantation songs Old Folks at home o Poverty despite success o Tragic death 37 years old

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TAMU MUSC 201 - Kattari March 24 Lecture Notes

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