HB 307 1st Edition Lecture 6 Current Lecture Strategic Aspects of Recruiting Decisions about talent Always consider business s strategies and motives Factors that can affect a firms recruiting strategy o Recruiting Abilities o Whether to recruit internally vs externally o Labor market for the types of positions it is recruiting for including global labor markets strength of a firm s employment brand Recruiting Tasks Large Firms HR recruiters or generalist Small Firms Manager or Supervisor Alternatives methods Work teams or Recruiting Process Outsourcing RPO Global Labor Markets Reasons to recruit globally o Develop better products o Attract best talent possible Global Recruiting Issues o Local national international laws o Different labor costs o Different pre employment and compensation practices o Cultural Differences o Security o Visas and Work Permits Labor Markets Defined as an area from which applicants are to be recruited o Tight market High Employment few available workers o Loose market Low employment many available workers Factors determining labor market o Skills and knowledge required o Level of compensation offered These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Reluctance of job seekers to relocate o Ease of commuting to workplace o Location of job urban or non urban Internal Recruiting Methods Internal job postings Identifying talent through performance appraisals Skills inventories and replacement charts Weak Talent Bench signs 1 Takes long time to fill key positions 2 Key positions only filled by hiring from outside 3 Vacancies cannot be filled with confidence 4 Replacements are unsuccessful 5 Promotions are made based on alterative motives whim favoritism nepotism External Recruiting Methods Advertisements Walk ins and unsolicited applications and resumes Internet social networking mobile Job Fair Employee Referrals Re recruiting ext Improving Recruiting Job Previews Surveys Metrics Recruiting Methods Quality of Fill Stats Quality of Hire PR HP HR N o PR Average job performance o HP of new hires reaching acceptable productivity o HR of new hires retained after one year o N Number of indicators Time to Fill refers to of days from when a job opening is approved to the date a person ultimately chosen for the job is selected Yield Ratios of applicants that make it to the next stage selection process Costs of Recruitment per employee hired SC H AC AF RB NC H SC Source Cost AC Advertising Costs total monthly expenditure AF Agency Fees total RB Referral Bonuses NC No cost hires walk ins nonprofit agencies ext H Total Hires Recognize Different Career Paths Promotion change of assignment to a job at a higher level Transfer Placement of an individual in another job for which duties responsibilities status remuneration are equal to the previous job Consider dual career paths for employees Consider the boundary less career Help Employees Progress beyond career plateaus Career Management Practices Placing Clear Expectations on employees Giving employees the opportunity to transfer Providing a clear and thorough succession plan Encouraging performance through rewards and recognition Giving employees the time and resources they need to consider short and long term career goals Encourage employees to continually assess their skills and career direction Unsuccessful Career management Lack of time budgets and resources for employees to plan their careers and to undertake training and development Rigid job specifications lack of leadership support and a short term focus Lack of career opportunities and pathways within the organization for employees Mentoring Functions Good mentors listen and understand challenge coach build confidence provide counsel teach by example Act as role model share experiences offer encouragement Good Partners or prot g s Listen act on advice show commitment to learn check ago at the door ask for feedback open minded willing to change proactive Developing diverse talent pool Recruiting and developing women Elimination women s barriers to advancement Recruiting and Developing Minorities Providing minority internships Advancing minorities to management
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