NSC 4366 1st Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Spinal Cord Outline of Current Lecture II Cranial Nerves Current Lecture On Old Olympus Towering Top A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops Cranial Nerve Nuclei Motor tends to be midline sensory seems to be lateral Cranial Nerve I Olfactory fibers run from olfactory bulb to olfactory cortex passes through cribriform plate functions solely for smell Cranial Nerve II optic These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute optic nerve via optic canal to optic chiasm synapse to thalamus then to visual cortex functions solely for vision Cranial Nerve III Oculomotor fibers go from midbrain through superior orbital fissure to eye muscles Raises the eyelid moves the eyeball constricts the iris and controls lens shape Innervates Medial rectus Inferior rectus Inferior oblique Superior rectus Travels with Parasympathetic axons Cranial Nerve IV Trochlear fibers from midbrain enter orbit innervate superior oblique muscle motor nerve to the eyeball Cranial Nerve V Trigmental fibers from face to pons via V1 V2 V3 conveys sensory impulses from face and supplies motor fibers V3 for mastication chewing Cranial Nerve VI Abducens fibers leave pons and enter orbit via superior orbital fissure motor nerve innervating the lateral rectus muscle tumor nerve Cranial Nerve VII Facial fibers leave pons to face motor functions facial expression autonomic control of lacrimal and salivary glands sensory taste from anterior two thirds of tongue Cranial Nerve VIII Vestibulocochlear auditory cochlear hearing and vestibular balance functions solely sensory Cranial Nerve IX Glossopharyngeal fibers from medulla via jugular foramen to throat Motor tongue and pharynx and parotid gland Sensory fibers conduct taste and general senses from tongue and pharynx Cranial Nerve X Vagus fibers emerge from medulla via jugular foramen Motor fibers are parasympathetic to heart and visceral organs larynx pharynx and soft palate Sensory function is taste visceral sensation Cranial Nerve XI Spino Accessory accessory nerve exits via jugular foramen motor nerve innervates trapezius and sternocleidomastoid which turns head Cranial Nerve XII Hypoglossal fibers from medulla exit skull innervates muscles of tongue for swallowing and speech
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