THAR 281 1st Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Last Lecture I Quiz 5 Outline of Current Lecture II Realism III Naturalism IV Symbolism Current Lecture I Realism Modernism term first used in 1952 defined as the self conscious belief that beginning in the 2nd half of the 19th century artists scholars scientists sociologists and philosophers believed that they had made a radical break with the past and looked forward to a future that would continue that break began to emerge in the 1970s Naturalism stemmed from Realism Stage action represents everyday life Taboo subject matter not necessarily taboo but not something you would act out at the time Psychological Realism Human motivations are self contradictory and not always readily apparent characters are more 3 D now starting to oppose the Well Made Play These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Because of taboo subjects theatres began to put on these shows more under the radar in private subscriptions came from this independent theatre movement playwrights would write in every detail of the set and characters more than just a box set II Naturalism slice of life an intense pure form of Realism putting onstage as exact a copy of life as possible down to the small est detail wants to avoid the artists hand or the personality of the director the most appropriate subject matter was the lower class more stringent form than realism did not last very long as a movement III Symbolism 1880 1910 Rejected Naturalism Symbolists saw theatre as a place to represent the inner states com mon themes death dimensions mirrors To present the unpresentable Symbolist drama concentrates on moments of danger or crisis Used dim lighting suggestive scenery sounds not very popular to normal people
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