CMU HDF 100 - Introduction
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HDF100 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Current Lecture I Purpose of a Theory II Definitions A Multi Directional B Multi Contextual C Multi Cultural D Multi Disciplinary E Resiliency F Research III Theories A Types of Theories B Psychoanalytic Theory C Freud s PsychoSexual Theory Current Lecture I II Purpose of a Theory 1 Organize facts 2 To make sense of reality 3 Predict what will happen Definitions 1 Multi Directional Linear Growth ideal but not likely Growth in stages Unpredictability Gains and Losses Pace Individual variance adolescence girls first Dynamic Systems influenced by nutrition dis abilities parenting societal issues 2 Multi Contextual Different Contexts surroundings families Historical when we were born popular names experiences Socioeconomic income opportunity health care 3 Multi Cultural Culture patterns of behavior that are passed from one generation to the next and that serve as the resources for the current life of a social group 4 Multi Disciplinary Physical growth and change that occur in a person s body Cognitive mental processes Social interacting with others Emotional temperament and feeling 5 Resiliency The capacity to change mold or shape especially in stressful situations Durability not everyone can handle things the same 6 Research Formulate the research question Develop hypothesis Test hypothesis Draw conclusions Communicate Publish Life isn t a test tube ethical considerations III Theories 1 Types of Theories Grand Comprehensive traditionally inspired thinking Emergent Newer more multi cultural disciplinary 2 Psychoanalytic Theory Grand Theory Defines human development in terms of inner drives and motives Divides development in stages each stage focuses on specific development 3 Freud s PsychoSexual Theory Sensual Satisfaction linked to major developmental needs and challenges

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CMU HDF 100 - Introduction

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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