Chapter 1 Intro to Science Epistemology the study of knowledge and its limits We learn about the universe from information taken in through the senses o Limitations to our understanding Hardware Limitations of the senses Limitations of our brain to process the information Software Biases of psychology Language Culture Different views of reality We cannot directly perceive or understand all of the universe o Aids to understanding mental tools to help us understand the universe Religion ancient Philosophy 4th century BCE Art ancient at least 40th century BCE Science 16th century CE youngest All are valid but have strengths and weaknesses need a combination to get a balanced view core curriculum Scientific method a way of thinking that lets scientists build models of the universe to understand and predict its behavior Necessary assumptions to do science o Universe is material only matter energy Nothing supernatural you must be able to analyze o Universe is logical cause effect chains can be established Can be analyzed Limitations of science o Cannot establish ideal behavior what should o Cannot prove deny the supernatural cannot be analyzed Scientific models a mental construct a way of thinking o Must match the behavior of reality basis of experimentation o Levels no formal boundaries Hypothesis low level tentative answer to a question that is tested by experimentation Can be refined if then Theory higher level General reliable tested model of some aspect of the universe Good explanatory predictive powers Not usually invalidated by 1 experiment Paradigm large scale model encompassing theory that gives a major frame of reference A way of looking at the world Ex Mendelian genetics cell theory evolution o Value judgments Good data carefully collected verifiable repeatable Good theory testable useful Bad theory not testable poor predictive value don t fit observation Untestable theory beyond our ability to examine o Moons of Mars satellite theory Un Falsifiable theory any possible test would be meaningless o Invisible man in the coffee pot Cannot make right or wrong judgments
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