WSU HD 341 - Mistaken Behaviors

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HD 341 1st Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Executive Function II Stress III Resiliency IV Mastery Motivation V Quality Care Outline of Current Lecture II Mistaken Behavior III Relational Patterns IV Three Levels of Mistaken Behavior V Understanding Mistaken Behavior Current Lecture Mistaken Behavior in the process of learning any difficult skills children make mistakes o when children experience conflicts it is because they haven t developed the cognitive and emotional characteristics needed for more mature responses not enough experience in the world ability to understand emotion o mistaken behavior is viewed as something that should be corrected through teaching not punishing don t punish for things they don t know are wrong Relational Patterns Encounterer o child s concerned with maintaining an individual sense of centrality wholeness initiative Adjustor o child s concerned with learning what s expected by others and producing that behavior Survivor o Child s concerned solely with getting through time and space without disturbing established ways of getting needs met Three Levels of Mistaken Behavior Level one experimentation o Involvement the child unintentionally causes a conflict when a situation unexpectedly gets out of hand These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Curiosity the child intentionally causes a conflict to see what will happen Level two socially influenced o Learned parents or other adult family members siblings or other relatives friends neighbors other kids teachers media superheroes o kids try to play these roles out in social settings and can cross the line level three strong unmet needs o physiological factors prenatal alcohol and drug exposure other complications in pregnancy premature delivery difficult delivery malnutrition o emotional factors created by family stress drug dependency mental illness violence divorce illness death Understanding Mistaken Behavior mistaken behavior can be accidental or intentional o consequences for behavior o response is important o teaching a skill mistaken behavior can range from less to more serious o can range from innocent to malicious physical and psychological aggression are two common forms of serious mistaken behavior for young children challenging behaviors interfere with children s learning

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WSU HD 341 - Mistaken Behaviors

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