GENG 260 1st Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Discussion of Sojourner Truth s narrative Outline of Current Lecture I Discussion of Bury me in a Free Land by Frances Harper Current Lecture I Discussion of Bury me in a Free Land by Frances Harper Class Question What is a coffle a a line of animals or slaves fastened together Some facts about Frances Ellen Watkins Harper She moved from Maryland to Ohio in 1850 as a freed slave She was an orphan and was exiled from her home She worked as a teacher and with the underground railroad She couldn t go back home to Maryland because there was a law passed that if a freed slave were to cross over into Maryland they could be taken and sold back into slavery Death is better than slavery Harriet Jacobs I should prefer death to hopeless bondage Frederick Douglass The important point in this poem is that she feels as if she can t be free even in death because she knows others are still not free Rhythm and Line Breaks o End stopped couplets Lines of poetry in which the phrase clause or sentence corresponds in the length to the line or couplet the pause that occurs at the end of the line or couplet look for punctuation semi colon colon etc o Enjambment opposite of end stop lines no stopping at the end of the line but it continues to the next o Caesura a pause in the middle of a line Look for punctuation in the middle of a line These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Class question The term that describes the interaction of multiple systems of oppression or discrimination is A Intersectionality Class questions Who is Linda Brent Answer She s the stories narrator Harriet Jacobs Jacobs uses this name and other false names of people and places to protect herself and others Autobiography Pseudonymity Narrators and Speakers are not the same as Authors Epigraph Shows you what the biography will be about The 4 phases of a slave narrative Depictions of the mammy figure Nice big African American women who are shown to be happy to serve their masters but controlling and mean towards their own families These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute
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