PSU PSYCH 212 - Cross-Sectional

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Psych 212 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Evolutionary Psychology Sociobiology a Ethology b Adaptive Purposes of Behavior Traits c Research Methodology Outline of Current Lecture II Research Methodology Cont a Surveys Questionnaires b Cross sectional vs longitudinal III Chapter 3 Forming a New Life a Conceiving New Life i Fertilization ii Gene Expression iii Traits influenced by heredity and environment Current Lecture Research Methodology Cont o Surveys Questionnaires Advantages Mass Survey o Increases generalizability sample population Lends itself to non intrusiveness o How much sex do you have Disadvantages Hopefully people are truthful How to make the survey more truthful o Intake Include in introduction of study it is important that you are truthful o Test retest ask the same question s more than once Increases reliability Cross check with other sources pilot study Ensure anonymity and or confidentiality o Debrief Were you honest These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Cross sectional vs Longitudinal Studies Cross sectional Different ages at one time different cohorts Tends to be cheaper since done only at one specific time not over a period of time Extremely susceptible to cohort effects not what you want o Example comparing a 16 yr old to a 70 yr old Longitudinal Same people different ages same cohort Knowledge gains with age Used more often than cross sectional since more control because the cohort effect is not present Cohort effect the effects of being born at the same time exposed to the same events in society and influenced by the same demographic trends and thus having similar experiences that make the group unique from other groups Different from developmental changes which is what makes the cohort effect a negative thing that occurs in cross sectional studies Sequential Design Following several cohorts longitudinally OR several cross sections over time o Do all 4 year olds do that developmental or does it change cohort Both designed to measure for cohort effects o Longitudinal sequential study best study method of this type Chapter 3 Forming a New Life o Conceiving new life Fertilization union of sperm ovum to produce a single celled zygote Also called conception Dominant vs Recessive trait Ex Tongue folding inability dominant Earlobes unattached dominant Thumbness left thumb on top when folding hands together dominant Hitchhiker s thumb straight dominant Gene Expression Genotype actual genetic makeup or allele combinations genetic or recessive DD Dd or dd o Ex Tongue curling ability DD or Dd Phenotype observable measurable expression of genetic makeup o Product of the genotype o Ex Tongue curling DD or Dd Ex Genotype hair Phenotype Bald Mohawk etc Traits influenced by heredity environment Heredity if a trait has the ability to be inherited o The trait has variation in the population o Trait is due to genetic influence o Ex Having 2 arms is inherited but no variation not hereditable simply inherited Eye color is highly heritable because there is variation blue green brown hazel

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PSU PSYCH 212 - Cross-Sectional

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