PSU PSYCH 212 - Evolutionary Psychology

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Psych 212 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Punishment review and continued a 2 Types i Positive ii Negative II Bandura Social Learning Theory a Bodo Doll Study III Piaget Cognitive Stage Theory a 3 Stages of Cognitive Growth Outline of Current Lecture II Evolutionary Psychology Sociobiology a Ethology b Adaptive Purposes of Behavior Traits c Research Methodology Current Lecture Evolutionary Psychology Sociobiology o Ethology Study of behaviors AND mental traits that have adaptive value and encourage fitness Fitness the ability to survive and reproduce o Adaptive purposes of Behavior Traits Example Neoteny retention of juvenile traits o Physical traits Large heads big eyes button nose o Adaptiveness Engenders care from adults adaptive strategy Protects against abuse o Research Methodology Naturalistic Observation observing people and other animals in natural settings Teenagers at a Rave put people into the scene undercover to study how teens interact at these raves Involves lots of fieldwork These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Every attempt is made to be unnoticed by the subject s o Why Subject Expectancy Effects behavior is changed due to being observed Advantages 1 Can observe behaviors that for ethical reasons cannot be manipulated a Examples i Bullying on a school playground Pepler Craig study where they hid microphones on the playground to study which sex was being more aggressive found that girls were being verbally aggressive males were being physically aggressive but the girls verbal aggression was much worse than the boys aggression 1 Physical aggression occurred every 11 minutes boys 2 Verbal aggression occurred every 5 minutes girls ii Runaway teens iii Gangs 2 High generalizability findings represent real life more so than other studies Disadvantages 1 Difficult to discount biases or other factors 2 Lack of control over settings and subjects Case Studies Intensive investigation of 1 person or small group 10 Unique conditions traits event Large amount of information o Records School criminal medical o Interviews surveys with subject and friends relatives Often used clinically Advantages o In depth exhaustive coverage of possible influences o Clinically knowing more info is helpful in designing a treatment Example Art therapy for schizophrenic kids Disadvantages o Low generalizability because dealing with such a small sample Who do these findings describe Sample vs Population Surveys Questionnaires People respond directly to a structured set of questions about cognitive process Almost always a structured response set i e strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree o Common Likert Scale o Scale of agree disagree Survey examples with child o Example I feel sad horrible social constructs and also nuanced for kids o Operationally define Pictographs or Visual Analog Scales pick which picture is your mood Advantages o Mass survey Increases generalizability sample population o Lends itself to non intrusiveness How much sex do you have

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PSU PSYCH 212 - Evolutionary Psychology

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