GENG 260 1st Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Discussion Question for Essay Outline of Current Lecture I Discussion of the Narrative of Frederick Douglass Current Lecture I Discussion of theNarrative of Frederick Douglass In Class question 1 Which of the following is considered one of the phases of a slave narrative Answer Dehumanization phase 1 Opinion question Which is more essential to Douglass s freedom a Literacy b A plan to physically escape Phase 2 Resolution to free oneself What to think about How can he achieve both these things For him are they connected What s the use of being literate if you can t do anything with it because you re a slave Phase 3 What is his pivotal moment Examples of pages 424 and 427 Looking back at Aunt Hester why didn t she fight back like Douglass does with Mr Covey How is slavery different for women She couldn t fight back because of the fact that she was a woman and a slave 2 minorities Phase 3 into 4 Escape Success Ex On page 443 He cannot say how he escaped because he is protecting those who helped him Phase 4 Success and Joining the Cause These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Douglass talks about how it is too complicated to share how he feels about his success in escaping and his newly found freedom There is a lot that Douglas chooses not to or cannot tell the readers because it could be dangerous information Note for test There was a class quiz question involving the characters of Zip Coon and Sambo These would probably be good topics to go over for the test These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute
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