PSU PSYCH 212 - Punishment, Bandura, Piaget

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PSYCH 212 1st Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Learning Theory a Behaviorism b John Watson and Little Albert c Classical Conditioning d Operant Conditioning i Reinforcement ii Punishment Outline of Current Lecture II Punishment review and continued a 2 Types i Positive ii Negative III Bandura Social Learning Theory a Bodo Doll Study IV Piaget Cognitive Stage Theory a 3 Stages of Cognitive Growth Current Lecture Punishment o Decreases likelihood of behavior re occurring o Usually an unpleasant or aversive experience for child o 2 Types Positive Punishment adding something aversive Examples o Child getting spanked for sassing o Teen Extra chores for being rude to teacher o Teen teacher gives extra homework for being disruptive It is the outcome that matters not the punishment itself child could act out more after being spanked which is not the outcome punishment is meant to produce Negative Punishment removing something pleasant result unpleasant Examples o Baby Taking food away so can t throw it from highchair o Toddler time out for being sassy These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Removing my attention removing child from social situation to weaken your sassing or tantruming Not reacting to cursing o Teen taking away car keys for breaking curfew o Sensitive Kid You lost my trust Idea here is that you have to deal with the kid you have not the kid you want idealize having a sensitive kid means not having to go so hard on them Bandura Social Learning Theory Soc Cognitive o AKA Observational Learning Modeling o Role Models Examples Big sister brother Mom Dad NOT actual participant of behavior Social in that your watching another individual cognitive in that you think have thoughts and feelings about observed behavior Observe behaviors being punished rewarded Reciprocal Determinism between child and world o Bandura s Bobo Doll Study Modeling of Aggression 1965 Has older girl follow script and act aggressively toward the Bobo doll hit with mallet punch threw in air kicked doll The kids who watched the older girl act aggressively toward Bobo then went and acted in the same way the girl did even saying the same things she was and doing the same actions modeling Piaget Cognitive Stage Theory o Development is a product of the child s efforts to understand and act on their own world o Has stood the test of time because of combo of nature and nurture o Two Assumptions 1 Children are born with an instinctive ability to adapt to the environment nature Example rooting for a nipple 2 These instincts become organized as baby starts to interact with environment nurture o 3 Stages of Cognitive Growth 1 Organization thinking that becomes more complex and integrated with age a Schemes organized patterns of behavior used in different situations b Examples i Infants and sucking schema ii Toddlers and 4 legged schema 2 Adaptation schemes change through 2 complimentary processes a Think of a seesaw if your engaging in one process you aren t engaging in the other i A Assimilation taking in new information and organizing it with existing information 1 Example a 4 legged scheme i Doggy when you see an elephant or cow b Stairs mean stop You could fall down i even if it s a curb c I can suck all of these a bottle a binky a breast but also all these other things and it will work ii B Accommodation a modification in thinking when old schemes don t fit 1 Schema s become more detailed 2 Examples a Stop Stairs i No ICE means you can fall down too b If it has 4 legs in a pasture and moos Cow c If it has 4 legs in my neighborhood and barks Dog d Going from a sippy cup to an adult cup requires different skills not sucking 3 Equilibration Making a constant balance between assimilation and accommodation a Example I can use both they just require different tongue and mouth movements

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PSU PSYCH 212 - Punishment, Bandura, Piaget

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