PSU PSYCH 212 - Learning Theory

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PSYCH 212 1st Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Context of Development Cont d The Historical Context II Chapter 2 Theory and Methods Discovering a Childs World a Theories of Development b Organismic Model Active c Theoretical Issues An Emerging Consensus d Freud s Psychosexual Theory Outline of Current Lecture II Learning Theory a Behaviorism b John Watson and Little Albert c Classical Conditioning d Operant Conditioning i Reinforcement ii Punishment Current Lecture 1 Learning Theory Long lasting change in behavior based on experience o Behaviorism We respond based on whether the situation is Painful or threatening aversive learn to avoid move away from Pleasurable appetitive tend to approach or move towards o John Watson and Little Albert 1920 Showing that the emotion of fear could be classically conditioned Albert 11 month normal orphan baby brought to John s Hopkins University o Classical Conditioning John Watson Conditioning of Fear Orphan boy Little Albert Albert like the furry rat Rat presented with loud CRASH Albert cried because of noise These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Eventually site of rat made Albert cry Generalization anything white and fluffy made Albert cry o Operant Conditioning Reinforcement increases likelihood of behavior re occurring Usually a pleasant experience for the child Social Currency what is an effective operant for that individual o Ex Teenager car privileges money extended curfew o Ex Child Hug toys 2 Types 1 Positive Reinforcement applying adding a reinforce a Baby Parents smile at you b Young Child star for potty training c Teen Car keys for good report card stealing for acceptance still pos reinforcement because it leads you to acceptance from a group 2 Negative Reinforcement removing something aversive result pleasant a Developmental Examples i Baby Remove dirty diaper when baby cries ii Toddler If finish good out of highchair iii Teens No chores for getting an A on homework Punishment Decreases likelihood of behavior re occurring usually an unpleasant or aversive experience for child o 2 Types Positive Punishment adding something aversive ex Hitting to punish bad behavior Child getting spanked for sassing

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PSU PSYCH 212 - Learning Theory

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