PSU PSYCH 212 - Context of Development Cont.

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Psych 212 1st Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Context of Development a Family b Socioeconomic Status SES c Culture Ethnicity Outline of Current Lecture II Context of Development Cont d The Historical Context III Chapter 2 Theory and Methods Discovering a Childs World a Theories of Development b Organismic Model Active c Theoretical Issues An Emerging Consensus d Freud s Psychosexual Theory Current Lecture Contexts of Development 4 The Historical Context o Unique time in which people live and grow up o Experiences tied to time and place What is it like to be a child adult of these times Generational Cohort Cohort Effects people born at the same time ex WWII The Depression The 60 s tattoos Chapter 2 Theory and Methods Discovering a Child s World These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Theories of Development Passive Development Mechanistic Model Passive Locke tabula rosa You are an accumulation of your experiences Children are blank slates on which society writes People are machines reacting to environment o Organismic Model Active Rousseau noble savages Children are born with momentum and energy Children set their own development in motion child centered Children initiate events not just react Ex Maria Montessori o What is the child interested in Abilities Theoretical Issues An Emerging Consensus Development is Bidirectional People change their world as it changes them Cheerful disposition positive response o Freud s Psychosexual Theory Importance of unconscious processes and the influence of early childhood experience Sexual and aggressive energy Development expresses through activities associated with different body zones 5 Stage Model Problems at stage leads to fixation 1 Oral Approximately the first year a Infant derives pleasure through oral activites i Nursing ii Chewing gumming iii Sucking iv Biting Pulling b According to Freud if something was wrong with the nursing process you may develop a fixation how you are now has a lot to do with your childhood 2 Anal Approximately ages 1 3 a Pleasure is derived through i Elimination ii Acquiring control over elimination iii Potty Training iv More about the control independence than actual elimination 3 Phallic Approximately ages 3 6 a Pleasure seeking is focused on genitals b Attention directed towards opposite sex parent i Tom Boys girls want to uses dad s tools with him hang out with him ii Mama s Boys boys want to hang out with mom play with make up wear mom s heels etc c Fixation If it did not go well unresolved developmental conflicts i Oedipal Complex ii Castration Anxiety Boys jealousy of father iii Penis Envy girls blame mother for lack of penis 4 Latency Stage Approximately 7 years puberty a The stress of the castration anxiety and penis envy force the child into a latency stage b Sexual energy is dormant while you start to develop same sex peer friendships i Cooties 5 Phallic Genital Approximately adolescence adulthood a Final resolution of the Oedipal complex b Start re channeling your sexual urges into mature adult sexuality L 1 L Problems at stage leads to fixations Oral Approximately the first year infant derives pleasure through oral activities Nursing Chewing Gumming Sucking Biting Pulling According to Freud if something was wrong with the nursing process you may develop a fixation how you are now has a lot to do with your childhood 2 Anal Approximately 1 3 years Pleasure is derived though Francesca Pagnotta Psych 212 1 23 2015 Elimination Acquiring control over elimination Potty Training More about the control independence than actual elimination 3 Phallic Approximately 3 6 years Pleasure seeking is focused on genitals L L Attention directed towards opposite sex parent Tom Boys girls want to use dad s tools with him hang out with him Mama s Boys boys want to hang out with mom play with make up wear mom s heels etc Fixation If it did not go well unresolved developmental conflicts Oedipal Complex Castration Anxiety boys jealousy of father Penis Envy girls blame mother for lack of penis 4 Latency Stage Approximately 7 years puberty The stress of the castration anxiety and penis envy force the child into a latency stage Sexual energy is dormant while you start to develop same sex peer friendships Cooties 5 Phallic Genital Approximately adolescence adulthood final resolution of the oedipal complex start re channeling your sexual urges into mature adult sexuality

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PSU PSYCH 212 - Context of Development Cont.

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