HD 341 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture II Early Pioneers III Turn of the Century Influences IV Mid Century Influences V The Constructivists VI Self Psychologists VII Guidance Outline of Current Lecture VIII Democratic Life Skills IX Jean Piaget brief Current Lecture Democratic Life Skills social emotional skills needed to be healthy individuals and productive citizens of a society 1 finding acceptance as a member of the group and as a worthy individual a the ability of the child to develop secure attachments with significant adults i predictability routines flexible schedules ii acceptance attitude reflections of home life iii responsiveness emotional communication 2 expressing strong emotions in non hurting ways a basics of emotional understanding i everyone has emotions ii emotions arise because of different situations iii there are different ways of showing feelings iv other people may not feel the same way i do about everything v i can do things to change how i feel and how others feel 3 solving problems creatively independently and in cooperation with others a individually i accesses and engaged with open ended learning activities ii stays with problems and tasks iii solves problems obtains results creates products in own way iv finds personal gratification in creations and the problem solving process 4 accepting unique human qualities in others a join in spontaneous grouping with children who may differ in age gender or racial characteristics b initiates cooperative activity with children who may have differing human qualities c initiates interactions with children and adults who may be new These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute d shows inclusiveness and support of children who may be vulnerable for stigma e discusses differences in human qualities w o judgment 5 thinking intelligently and ethically a Gives up turn or materials for child who needs more b Comforts another child who might be sad or upset c Invites a child to join and activity or share materials d Offers to help e Expresses how another might be feeling f Leads others in cooperative problem solving g Chooses not to take advantage of others h Suggests solution to problems take others view into consideration Jean Piaget sensori motor birth to two pre operations two to seven concrete operations seven to eleven formal operations eleven to adulthood
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